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兴发登录m xf839 com文化和传统探讨了人们如何相互互动。这可能是通过亚文化,人际关系,时尚或宗教和灵性。兴发登录m xf839 com

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这些天一夫多妻制在空中。在HBO戏剧《大爱》中,比尔·帕克斯顿(Bill Paxton)扮演一个有三个妻子的人。犹他州最高法院只是维持了该州一夫多妻制的禁令,因此一夫多妻制不仅在虚构的电视上,而且这些刻画中的任何一个都准确吗?

ByEd Grabianowski

In this article, we'll separate fact from propaganda and learn what a cult actually is, see what practices characterize a destructive cult and investigate some of the more notable cult incidents in recent history.

ByJulia Layton


By罗伯特·瓦尔德斯(Robert Valdes)


最畅销的小说《艺ish的回忆录》描绘了第二次世界大战时代日本的艺妓的生活。但这是一件虚构的作品。找出天文馆是谁,是什么以及它们如何适应日本文化。兴发登录m xf839 com

ByJulia Layton

In this article, we'll explore what makes words into swearwords, why most Americans use them and how society responds to swearing. We'll also look at one of its most fascinating aspects -- the way it affects your brain.

By特雷西·威尔逊(Tracy V. Wilson)

The public debate between Christian creationism and evolution has heated up once again in the United States. Learn about the different forms of Christian creationism and find out what's fueling the controversy.

ByJulia Layton

How does intelligent design explain the origins of life? Does it fit the criteria of a scientific theory, or is it religious dogma in a scientific wrapper? In this article, we'll examine intelligent design and the controversy it has generated.

ByJulia Layton


"Pistols at dawn!" The challenge is issued. To turn it down would leave you marked a coward for life. You meet at the chosen spot. You could be severely wounded or killed today. Why is all this happening? Because you made fun of his hat.

ByEd Grabianowski


ByMarshall Brain


By李·安·奥布林格(Lee Ann Obringer)


By李·安·奥布林格(Lee Ann Obringer)



By李·安·奥布林格(Lee Ann Obringer)

Are divorces easier to get now than they used to be? What are the types of divorce, the procedures, and what's involved in the final divorce agreement? We'll explore mediation as an alternative to litigation and see what it takes to get a DIY divorce.

By李·安·奥布林格(Lee Ann Obringer)

如果您曾经恋爱过,那么您至少可能考虑将这种感觉分类为成瘾。你猜怎么着?您是对的 - 这是同一化学过程。

By李·安·奥布林格(Lee Ann Obringer)&Michelle Konstantinovsky

Gone are the days when flirtation and romance were to be found in bars and grocery store produce aisles. Online dating is the much hipper -- and more common -- way to go these days.

ByEd Grabianowski


Are you bored with the commercialism of the Christmas holidays? Do you find tinsel distracting? Is there a large aluminum pole collecting dust in your crawlspace? If you answered yes to all of the above then Festivus is for you!

ByMatt Hunt


By李·安·奥布林格(Lee Ann Obringer)


ByAllison Klein


By斯蒂芬妮·沃森(Stephanie Watson)


武士的传说继续渗透到我们的文化中,无数的电影和电视节目致力于该主题。兴发登录m xf839 com我们对武士的了解是多少,真理有多少钱?

ByEd Grabianowski&Chris Pollette

Secretive and silent, the ninja strikes fear into the hearts of peasants and emperors alike. Today, the ninja has become a legendary, cult-like figure, showing up in computer games, children's cartoons and martial-arts action films.

ByEd Grabianowski

Catholics around the world have welcomed Pope Francis. Besides providing spiritual leadership to millions worldwide, the pope has many other duties. Learn about the rules of the Papacy.

By Kevin Bonsor &Dave Roos

The national American holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. falls on the third Monday in January. Learn about the life and work of this legendary civil rights activist.

By凯瑟琳·内尔(Katherine Neer)


Also known as the Festival of Lights, Hanukkah celebrates a very special triumph over religious persecution, when the Jews were able to escape oppression at the hands of Antiochus, a Syrian king.

ByAllison Klein


ByAllison Klein