Top 5 Sci-fi Weapons that Might Actually Happen

经过:Susan L. Nasr
CBS Photo Archive/盖蒂图像

Over the years, the science-fiction genre has amassed an impressive arsenal. Waltz through its fictional armories, and you'll find armaments spun from every scientific breakthrough, crazy theory and "Popular Science" article that sci-fi authors could get their hands on.





Sure, an exoskeleton might give you superhuman strength, but what about the rest of the animal kingdom? This exoskeleton helps dogs with hip dysplasia walk more comfortably.“width=
Sure, an exoskeleton might give you superhuman strength, but what about the rest of the animal kingdom? This exoskeleton helps dogs with hip dysplasia walk more comfortably.
AP照片/Journal & Courier, John Terhune




多年来,从罗伯特·A·海因莱因(Robert A. Heinlein)1959年的小说《星际飞船骑兵》(Starship Troopers)到“移动西装gundam”的动漫战场到“移动西装gundam”的动漫战场以及“辐射的废物”的《秋季福特3》(Fallout 3)。“如果想象中的未来有士兵,那么他们很可能会装备出可怕的钢外骨骼。没有关于Darpa和Raytheon是否会从“ Warhammer 40000”的太空海军陆战队中寻求灵感的灵感来实现他们的下一次电力装甲的灵感。

Are you not one to fight with brute force? With our next weapon (of sorts), you could change history instead.


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时间旅行isn't a weapon, necessarily, but neither is a B-52 Stratofortress. The latter is a bomber, a delivery system for weapons. Likewise, if our future operates the way it did in the Terminator films, we might use time travel to assassinate future military leaders before they rise to power. Or perhaps we'll actually wage full-blown wars across four dimensions, such as the Time War waged between the Time Lords and the Daleks of TV's "Doctor Who."

实时旅行比电影引导我们相信的要棘手要棘手,但这属于物理定律。爱因斯坦(Einstein)告诉我们,当您接近光速时,时间会减慢或视觉上的思考,延伸,延伸。您只需要一个飞机注意效果。在著名的实验中,物理学家同步了五个原子ic clocks然后,将一个放在地面上,其余的将两个非常快的飞机(一个向东行驶,另一个向西)。飞机降落后,其时钟的测量时间比地面时钟少。差异是数十亿纳秒[来源:中殿]。如果时钟是人,飞机时钟将比地面时钟年轻。


当然,纳秒不感兴趣我们。我们想像孩子或老年人一样见面。严重的时间旅行需要超过飞机。它要求我们与black holes, wormholes or cosmic strings, all of which we're still studying as phenomena.

We can't really say whether we'll ever be able to instantly go forward or back in years (except by aging), but the physical framework is real enough for it to make our list.



Sure, it didn't vaporize people like thalaron radiation did. But when Captain Kirk and the Star Trek crew needed to escape, they jumped into the teleporter. Kirk just stood on a platform, and this wickedly cool machine mapped every原子在他的体内。它通过light波浪(就像互联网一样,通过无线电波发送信息)到一个新的地方。在新地方,机械收到了有关柯克原子和重建柯克的信息。

在现实生活中,科学家已经传送物体:光子和激光束。但是,传送人类有很大的障碍。首先,正如凯文·鲍诺(Kevin Bonsor)指出的那样How Teleportation Works, we'd need to find and describe all 1028原子s in the body, which we can't do. Second, to reassemble the person, we'd need to put each atom in the right place and make sure it had the right properties. A tiny imprecision could be deadly.





Do you think Bruce is ready to defend the planet if a sizable space rock is headed our way for real?“width=
Do you think Bruce is ready to defend the planet if a sizable space rock is headed our way for real?

Asteroidsmay call to mind lots of images: the地球笼罩着尘土,恐龙垂死,人群奔跑,Aerosmith唱歌,“我不想错过一件东西。”小行星已经制作了很多灾难的情节,所有这些都像这样:不要惊慌,但是一块巨大的岩石正朝向地球。

这是可以进行的:要么comet(if an outer planet's重力pulled one closer to the Earth) or an asteroid could cross Earth's orbit or pass nearby [source:莫里森]。NASA观看这些near-Earth objectsand plans to find most of the ones 1 kilometer (0.6 miles) in diameter and larger, as well as learn which ones might collide with Earth. Why 1 kilometer? Anything with that diameter or bigger could do terrible damage [source:莫里森]。



转移小行星的真实计划更像是草图,而不是现成的计划。有10年的警告和中型的小行星,我们可能会在小行星上或附近种植核弹。有20年的警告和一个小的小行星,我们可能会与小行星相撞,以验证其位置并放慢速度并转移它[来源:Yeomans]。但是,正如卡尔·萨根(Carl Sagan)在“淡蓝色点”中指出的那样,如果小行星还是朝着地球前进,并且我们已经掌握了如何拦截和偏转的小行星,那么各国可以试图将小行星互相敲打。



Do you suppose that moth is spying on Sir David Attenborough?“width=
Do you suppose that moth is spying on Sir David Attenborough?
Gareth Cattermole/盖蒂图像

训练动物用于战争是一个古老的主意。我们已经训练了蜜蜂作为炸弹杀手,并使用海豚巡逻我们的港口[来源:Vergano]。The weaponized insects of "Aeon Flux" may be a ways off, but making animals into machines is already a reality. Working under the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), researchers have made real moths and beetles into remote-controlled robo-bugs. In the future, the insects may carry cameras or chemical sensors into the field.



这种混合有助于虫子控制,因为飞蛾和甲虫在反射上运行[来源:Bozkurt]。Because entomologists know which patterns to send to which nerves to trigger a behavior, they can use electrodes to hijack the bugs. For example, stimulating the neckmuscles使其向左或向右圆圈。通过植入一个小收音机receiver on the moth's back, researchers can control it wirelessly from a joystick [source:Bozkurt]。



Lots More Information


  • Bozkurt A.,Gilmour R,LalA。“气球辅助无线电控制昆虫生物机器人的飞行”。2009年。IEEE生物医学工程交易。第56卷,没有。9。
  • Bozkurt, A., A. Lal and R. Gilmour. "Electrical Endogenous Heating of Insect Muscles for Flight Control." 30th International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2008. (11/5/2009)
  • Bozkurt, A., A. Lal and R. Gilmour. "Radio Control of Insects for Biobotic Domestication." IEEE Neural Engineering Conference. 2009. (11/5/2009)
  • 珠宝, Mark. "Robotic Suit Could Usher In Super Solider Era." May 15, 2008. (11/5/2009)
  • 莫里森,大卫。“关于新影响的常见问题解答。”2004年9月。(2009年11月5日)
  • 莫里森,大卫。“Introduction." September 2004. (11/5/2009)
  • 中殿, C.R. "Hafele and Keating Experiment." HyperPhysics. 2000. (11/12/2009)
  • 菲尔,菲尔。“世界末日的天文学。”2008年12月28日。(2009年11月5日)
  • 鲁德尼克(Rudnyk),玛丽安(Marian E.)“小行星”。世界图书在线参考中心。2005年。(2009年11月11日)。
  • Vergano,Dan。“真正的间谍松鼠,海豚帮助启发了'G-Force。'”《今日美国》。2009年7月27日。(2009年11月5日)
  • Yeomans, Donald K. "Comet." World Book Online Reference Center. 2005. (11/11/2009)
  • Yeomans,Donald K.等。“偏转危险的近地物体。”第一IAA行星防御会议:保护地球免受小行星的侵害。2009年4月27日至30日。

