
作者:Karim Nice |
Image Gallery: Car Gadgets What began as a hand-cranked system is now automatic, and only getting more so: Some windshield wipers can actually sense rain. See pictures of car gadgets.“border=
Image Gallery: Car Gadgets最初的手动系统现在是自动的,只会变得更加自动:有些挡风玻璃刮水器实际上可以感觉到雨水。看pictures of car gadgets

这first windshield wipers were operated manually by moving a lever inside thecarback and forth. Today, most of us take our electric windshield wipers for granted. The wipers faithfully keep thewindow当他们把水扫开时,清晰地在挡风玻璃上来回移动。在最高速度下,它们快速移动,有时会从一侧到另一侧摇动汽车。什么样的机制可以如此有效和可靠地移动雨刮器臂?

Windshield wipers are found on car windshields, some car headlights,airplanes甚至在space shuttle。In this article, we'll take a look inside windshield wipers, learn about the blades and the controls and then explore a new rain-sensing wiper control system!



这wipers combine two mechanical technologies to perform their task:

  • A combinationelectric motorandworm gear还原为刮水器提供了力量。
  • 整洁的连锁将电动机的旋转输出转换为刮水器的来回运动。


需要很多力量为了使雨刮器在挡风玻璃上来回加速。为了产生这种类型的力,worm gearis used on the output of a small electric motor.


虫子gear reductioncan multiply the扭矩of the motor by about 50 times, while slowing the output speed of the electric motor by 50 times as well. The output of the gear reduction operates a linkage that moves the wipers back and forth.

Inside the motor/gear assembly is an电子电路当雨刮器处于下调位置时,这会感觉到。该电路为刮水器保持电源,直到将其停在挡风玻璃的底部,然后将电动机的动力切割为电动机。该电路在间歇性的环境中时还将雨刮器停放在湿巾之间。






刮水器叶片就像挤压。雨刮器的胳膊拖了一条rubber stripacross the windshield to clear away the water.



Another key to streak-free operation is甚至压力在橡胶叶片的长度上。刮水器叶片的设计目的是在中间的单个点附加,但是一系列的手臂分支从中间像树一样,因此刀片实际上是在六到八个地方连接的。如果iceorsnowforms on these arms, it can make the distribution of pressure uneven, causing streaks under part of the blade. Some wiper manufacturers make a specialwinterblade with a rubber boot covering the arm assembly to keep snow and ice out.

Some of the different wiper blade schemes used by various cars“width=
Some of the different wiper blade schemes used by various cars

Pivot Points


一些汽车上还有其他一些设计。梅赛德斯使用一个单个刮水器臂,该臂在扫过窗户时会延伸和缩回 -Single Arm (Controlled)in the figure above. This design also provides good coverage, but is more complicated than the standard dual-wiper systems. Some cars use wiper blades that are mounted on opposite sides of the windshield and move in the opposite direction, and some vehicles have a single wiper mounted in the middle. These systems don't provide as much coverage for the driver as the standard two-blade system.



Most wipers have a low and a high speed, as well as an intermittent setting. When the wipers are on low and high speed, the发动机连续运行。但是在间歇性的环境中,雨刮器在每个擦拭之间暂时停止。有许多不同的种类开关for wipers. Some汽车have just one intermittent speed, others have 10 discrete settings and still others have a sliding scale that can be set for almost any time interval.

无论您的汽车具有哪种控制,将它们设置出色都可能很棘手 - 太快了,挡风玻璃变干,刮水器吱吱作响;太慢,您的能见度被阻止raindrops。更复杂的是,随着汽车加速并减速,撞挡风玻璃的水量发生变化。它可能需要几乎持续的关注才能使雨刮器保持正常运行。汽车制造商可能最终用雨刷技术的圣杯征服了这个问题 -rain-sensing wiper


Rain-sensing Wipers

In the past, automakers have tried to either eliminate the wipers or to control their speed automatically. Some of the schemes involved detecting the vibrations caused by individual raindrops hitting the windshield, applying special coatings that did not allow drops to form, or even ultrasonically vibrating the windshield to break up the droplets so they don't need to be wiped at all. But these systems were plagued by problems and either never made it to production or were quickly axed because they annoyed more drivers than they pleased.

However, a new type of wiper system is starting to appear on cars that actually does a good job of detecting the amount of water on the windshield and controlling the wipers. One such system is made by TRW Inc., here is a PDF describing theirrain sensor system.TRW Inc.使用光传感器to detect the moisture. The sensor is mounted in contact with the inside of the windshield, near therearview mirror


传感器项目红外光into the windshield at a 45-degree angle. If the glass is dry, most of this通过挡风玻璃的前部反射回传感器。如果waterdroplets are on theglass, they reflect the light in different directions -- the wetter the glass, the less light makes it back into the sensor.


这TRW system, which is found on many General Motors cars, including all Cadillac models, can also be overridden or turned off so the car can be washed.


Originally Published: Mar 23, 2001
