
What if scientists could remotely make tiny changes to your brain circuitry? Ultrasonic technology may make this a reality.“width=
What if scientists could remotely make tiny changes to your brain circuitry? Ultrasonic technology may make this a reality.
Chard Baker/Photodisc/Getty Images

“It's all in your head." You've heard that before, haven't you? Maybe someone was scoffing at a故事或轻描淡写的症状沮丧,,,,paranoia or madness. The message is simple: Your obsession, whatever it may be, has no basis outside your thoughts.

Yet with sufficient scientific understanding, it becomes obvious that everything is "all in your head." We don't mean that the world is one great big illusion, but rather that each individual's pool of consciousness and memory exists solely within the electrochemical processes of the brain. Self is a chemical cocktail imbued with a neurological spark, and consciousness is a peculiar parlor trick stirred up by evolution.


That person you think you are? Well, it's the product of a constantly changing equation made up of 95 to 100 billion neurons, along with synapses, neurotransmitters, genetic coding and a string of memories tailing back to the murky depths of childhood [source:Williams]。Alter any factor in this equation just a little, and you change the final sum. In fact, you do a little self tinkering every time you so much as make a simple observation or drink a cup of咖啡。每个连续的您至少在上面的化身上都是一个轻微的变体。头脑还受到情绪创伤,脑损伤和疾病的严重改变,所有人都能够大大改变神经方程的结果。

Our tools for addressing brain conditions have ranged from the sublime to the barbaric. We've treated mental illness on the therapist's couch, as well as with scalpels and electric shock. Fortunately, scientific breakthroughs continue to refine our methods.

For instance, there'sneurostimulation或电刺激神经以减轻疼痛或抑制震颤。医生借助小型完成了这些壮举neurostimulators植入脊髓附近或主要神经。Deep brain stimulationand迷走神经刺激take this concept even further and may effectively manage various psychiatric disorders and neurological diseases. The only catch is they too require painstaking surgery to position implants in the appropriate locations -- in the neck for vagus nerve stimulation and inside the brain for deep brain stimulation.

What if there were a way to stimulate nerves and portions of the human brain without drilling through skulls and implanting electrical devices? What if there were a way to remotely tinker with the neurological equation?



Ultrasonic waves helped produce this two-dimensional image of a developing fetus.“width=
Ultrasonic waves helped produce this two-dimensional image of a developing fetus.
Jim Wehtje/Photodisc/Getty Images

If you've ever experienced an ultrasound or studied the fetal images the technique can produce, then you may have witnessed the future of neurostimulation.

Ultrasoundoperates like submarine sonar systems orbats,,,,both of which emit sound waves to sense their surroundings. The waves travel until they make contact with an object, then bounce back to the source. A bat or a电脑然后可以根据返回的声波确定对象的形状和距离。


Ultrasound imaging systems transmit high-frequency sound pulses through the human body. Every time they hit a boundary between tissues, some bounce back while others keep going. The machine then calculates the distances and frequencies involved and creates a two-dimensional image of what's going on inside the body cavity -- such as the movements of a fetus in utero.



但是,现代研究人员已经进步了magnetic resonance imaging((MRI)瞥见人体的实时互动。此外,大脑映射技术继续阐明人类思想中正在发生的事情。要返回方程式类比,这意味着确切知道神经方程的哪些部分影响我们能力,记忆和人格的哪些方面。

在亚利桑那州立大学的神经科学家最近的一项研究中,研究人员发现low-intensity,,,,low-frequency ultrasound((lilfu) could apply a gentler touch. Instead of destroying细胞,这些较低的频率仅刺激大脑回路活性。



AP Photo/ Martin Mejia


细胞发布神经递质,,,,molecules that carry information from one nerve cell to another across small gaps called突触。当它们到达另一个细胞时,神经递质会导致离子通道打开,这反过来触发了电气冲动沿神经纤维传递消息。这些反应是大脑回路的重要组成部分,神经递质的破坏是这种使人衰弱状况的症状阿尔茨海默氏病,,,,帕金森氏病,,,,沮丧andepilepsy


The team of neuroscientists at Arizona State University found that LILFU waves boosted the release of neurotransmitters, possibly by opening up sodium and calcium ion channels enough to triggeraction potentials,这反过来释放神经递质。这意味着,如果没有侵入性手术,将来的医生可能能够通过刺激该病情破坏的非常神经递质的产生来消除诸如阿尔茨海默氏症等疾病所产生的损害。


As you might imagine, however, the effects of ultrasound on the human brain haven't inspired only therapeutic innovations. Various studies have reportedly theorized that ultrasonic weapons could be used to induce vomiting and nausea in victims -- perhaps during a riot-control scenario [source:Jauchem]。其他科学家认为,这项技术最终可以使我们能够操纵人类记忆。


Explore the links on the next page to learn even more about ultrasound and the human brain.



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更多的Great Links

  • 丘德勒,埃里克。H.“神经递质和神经活性肽”。儿童神经科学。2008年。(2009年8月21日)http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/chnt1.html
  • Ter Haar,Gail和Constantin Coussios。“高强度的超声波:过去,现在和未来。”国际热点杂志。2007年2月。
  • Jauchem, James R. "High-Intensity Acoustics for Military Nonlethal Applications: A Lack of Useful Systems." Military Medicine. February 2007.
  • “神经科学:声音,没有愤怒。”经济学家。2009年1月8日。(2009年8月21日)http://www.economist.com/sciencetechnology/displaystory.cfm?story_id=12887217&fsrc = rsss
  • Song, Sora. "How Deep-Brain Stimulation Works." Time Magazine. July 16, 2006. (Aug. 21, 2009)http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1214939,00.html
  • “脊柱注射程序:神经刺激。”美国疼痛与健康。(2009年8月21日)http://www.painandwellness.com/spinal_injections_neurostimulation.html
  • “超声检查可以对脑电路进行遥控器。”科学日报。2008年11月2日。(2009年8月21日)
  • 威廉姆斯,罗伯特·W和卡尔·赫鲁普。“神经元数的控制。”神经科学的年度评论11. 2001年9月28日。(2009年8月25日)http://www.nervenet.org/papers/number_rev_1988.html#1

