
By:John Donovan

airplane lap belts
Would commercial flight be even safer if lap belts were upgraded to shoulder harnesses?PrimageFactory/Thinkstock

当“系紧安全带”标志闪烁时airplanes, with its familiar accompanying ding, it's often met with passengers' equal parts annoyance and resignation, when it's acknowledged at all. Like, "What? Again? Really? Do I have to ...?"


“我认为这是古老的,'这不会发生在我身上,'综合症,”Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association's Air Safety Institute, says of the typical flyer's attitude toward buckling up. "Aviation accidents are so rare that people say, 'What are the odds it's going to happen to me?' And I would agree with them that the odds are extremely low.

“但是我会补充说,即使赔率很低,即使只是颠簸,发生的事情的后果也可能非常重要turbulence. If you're not strapped in right, your head could hit the top of that airplane. That can result in a serious injury [see Now That's Interesting, below]. And it's so effortless to strap a seat belt around you." (That's true for average-size people anyway.)

如果客机从35,000英尺(10,668米)从天上掉下来,或者经历灾难性的中期失败,那么一条简单的圈带(例如肩带),甚至其他约束,也不足以挽救生命。在詹妮弗·里尔丹(Jennifer Riordan)的悲惨死亡中,安全带还不够据报道戴着她的安全带when a part from a failed engine in a Southwest Airline 737 blew out the window next to her seat on April 17, 2018. She was nearly sucked out of the airplane when the air in the pressurized cabin rushed out of the window.

The rare accidents like that, though, or the more conventional plane-hits-ground type, are not the only reasons for seat belts on airplanes. They're designed to protect youfrom飞机期间的飞机。


The Case for Seat Belts

“您必须佩戴安全带,包括飞行船员的原因,”美国航空公司的空姐和作家希瑟·普尔(Heather Poole),told The Telegraphin 2015, "is because you don't want the plane coming down on you. People think they're lifted up in the air during turbulence. The truth is the plane drops. It comes down hard and it comes down fast and that's how passengers get injured — by getting hit on the head by an airplane."

It's simple physics,Newton's first law of motion:除非外部力量对其作用,否则静止的身体将保持静止。

Think of it this way: If you're not wearing a seat belt on an airplane that drops suddenly — which often happens with turbulence — you're the one at rest. You'll stay at rest as the plane, very literally, drops out from under you. If you're strapped in, the安全带serves as an outside force acting on you, taking you with the plane as it drops and saving you from bonking your head on that overhead bin above you.

"It allows you to stay in place and ride along with the airplane," McSpadden says. "It's just that added safety margin that if something unexpected happens, you're still going to stay with the airplane."


Are Shoulder Harnesses Better?

A little reasoning might suggest that if a lap belt is good while flying, a shoulder harness — like those in cars and those in smaller so-called general aviation planes — would be even better. Indeed, shoulder belts or harnesses might help, McFadden and others say.

But they would be costly to install, and trickier to get to work correctly on bigger commercial planes, experts say. They'd probably be uncomfortable on longer flights. And wearing shoulder harnesses might meet a lot of resistance from the flying public, too.

"The answer would be, yes, it certainly would help, because it would prevent the movement of the upper torso aggressively in terms of some kind of sudden impact," McSpadden says. "How you can do that is another question entirely."

有人怀疑商业航空公司是否需要肩带,考虑到膝上腰带(使用时)似乎可以解决问题。“对于垂直减速[典型]显然飞机崩溃, the lap belt seems to be the most important restraint," David King, a trauma surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital,告诉时间after the July 2013 wreck of Asiana Airlines flight 214 in San Francisco killed three people. (Noted in the officialNational Transportation Safety Board report这是事故:“两名被弹出的乘客(后来被两辆消防车辆滚过来)没有戴上安全带,如果他们戴着它们,他们可能会留在机舱中并幸存下来。”)

但是,在较小的飞机中,自1986年12月12日以来制造的所有小型飞机中的所有座椅都需要肩部安全带 - 工作和工作良好。与膝盖皮带一起使用,较小的平面上的肩带安全带已显示reduce serious injuries from accidents by 88 percent and fatalities by 20 percent, according to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

具有讽刺意味的是,商业航空公司的安全记录可能是大型乘客飞机不需要肩带的压倒性原因。2017年,没有人在世界任何地方的商用喷气客机事件中被杀,这是有史以来最安全的一年。在它的Civil Aviation Safety Reviewfor 2017, which examined accidents on large passenger aircraft, the Dutch aviation consulting firmTo70据估计,“ 2017年(2017年)有0.08次致命事故。这是每1200万次飞行的一次致命事故率。”





