
经过:John Fuller
联合国国际原子能局(IAEA)科学家在巴格达附近的Tuwaitha核电站携带桶,那里有七人一组正在库存核材料,该核材料之前在该地点的保护下,­the war.
联合国国际原子能局(IAEA)科学家在巴格达附近的Tuwaitha核电站携带桶,那里有七人一组正在库存核材料,该核材料之前在该地点的保护下, the war.
Ramzi Haidar/AFP/盖蒂图像

Ever since the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the following核武器竞赛, the safety and security of nuclear weapons continues to intrigue us. The idea of anyone stealing dangerous weapons and unleashing them on targets has made its way into countless suspense novels, movies andtelevision显示。情节很熟悉 - 坏人偷了nuclear bomb,这是英雄的工作,抓住小偷并变形了炸弹。受欢迎的电视节目“ 24”的一个以上的季节集中在被盗的核材料上。我们一直都在流行文化中看到它,但是在现实世界中,有人偷核武器有多容易兴发登录m xf839 com?

When the Cold War between the United States and Russia ended in the early nineties, the threat of nuclear disaster appeared to fade. The events of Sept. 11, 2001, changed this -- when a group of terrorists hijacked four planes and destroyed the世界贸易中心in纽约市有两个人,人们对在未来攻击中使用被盗的核材料的可能性有所增加。






巴基斯坦观众观看了Shaheen II远程导弹,该导弹能够在2005年3月23日在伊斯兰堡举行的国庆日游行中携带发射器的核弹头。
巴基斯坦观众观看了Shaheen II远程导弹,该导弹能够在2005年3月23日在伊斯兰堡举行的国庆日游行中携带发射器的核弹头。
Farooq Naeem/AFP/盖蒂图像

TheU.S. Navy有自己的名字“癫痫发作,盗窃或失去核武器或组件”,称为“破碎的箭头”。(任何看过约翰·特拉沃尔塔(John Travolta)主演的1996年约翰·沃电影《破碎箭》的人可能已经知道这一点。)您可能会注意到海军的定义既提及核武器,也是核武器的组成部分。为什么要在炸弹和整个部分之间进行区分就足够重要?

有人可能会偷完整个nuclear bomb, but not very likely. As you can see in this article, intact nuclear weapons aren't something you just shove into your pocket or roll down the street. They're big and easily recognizable, so security at a nuclear arms stockpile would have to be extremely foolish and lax to let a bomb through.



恐怖分子所需要的最重要的要素是核弹的主要成分:高度富集的铀(HEU)或p(or both). Like an intact nuclear bomb, however, these two substances aren't something you can just shoplift. Neither HEU nor plutonium exists naturally in nature, and they're very expensive and difficult to produce. However, both the United States and Russia have held onto enormous amounts of plutonium from dismantled atomic weapons, and both countries have "excess" amounts of HEU. These massive amounts of nuclear material are used or planned for use in核电植物或研究中心,如果没有执行适当的安全性,就会有被盗信息或材料更大的风险。

美国士兵站在加拿大史密斯(Forth Smith)卸载的铀中,站在铀上。
美国士兵站在加拿大史密斯(Forth Smith)卸载的铀中,站在铀上。



For more on security and the alternatives to a complete nuclear bomb, read the next page.


Nuclear Weapon Security

Signs posted on the gated wall around the main technical area of Los Alamos National Laboratory keep visitors informed about security.
Signs posted on the gated wall around the main technical area of Los Alamos National Laboratory keep visitors informed about security.
乔·雷德(Joe Raedle)/盖蒂图像

So how good is the security around nuclear weapons? The United States, as one example, typically uses "barriers, guards, surveillancecameras,对人员的运动传感器和背景检查“在存在武器库的任何情况下[来源:CFR]。当然,人为错误或腐败总是可能性,因此这些预防措施都不可靠。

核武器本身受到许多安全措施的保护。主要预防措施之一是一个复杂的电子系统,称为宽松的行动链接, in which two correct codes must be inserted in order to arm the bomb. This uses a "two man rule" principle, making it nearly impossible for a person to detonate a weapon by himself.


其他国家可能没有一流的安全,增加了被盗物质的风险。俄罗斯经常被认为是可疑安全努力的一个例子 - 冷战的结束和苏联的分手使事情变得复杂,因为官员没有保留适当的记录。当局因未能按时付款而在武器设施中对待警卫和其他雇员的臭名昭著。工人可能不愿意通过出售最高秘密信息或走私危险材料来快速赚钱,而不是回家。美国也对俄罗斯核武器本身的安全设备的信息也有限,因此尚不清楚开发商为维护核装置的爆炸所采取的哪种步骤。

Another concern is the black market in nuclear materials, in which low-grade plutonium or uranium is smuggled for money. The chances of making an effective nuclear bomb out of this so-called "nuclear junk" are extremely low, but the material can still be used in肮脏的炸弹-- typical explosives that might spread dangerous radioactivity in the event of an explosion.



Lots More Information



  • “松散的核武器。”外交关系委员会。2006年1月。http://www.cfr.org/publication/9549/
  • “核实验室违规可能是'毁灭性的。'” CBS新闻。2006年11月3日。http://www.intellnet.org/news/2006/11/11/03/25053-1.html
  • “核恐怖主义。”有关科学家的联盟。2007年6月6日。http://www.ucsusa.org/global_security/nuclear_terrorism/
  • "Principles of nuclear weapons security and safety." The Nuclear Weapon Archive. Oct. 1, 1997. http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Weapons/Pal.html
  • Roe, Sam. "Trafficking in stolen nuclear material on the rise." Chicago Tribune. Jan. 31, 2002. http://www.cdi.org/russia/191-4.cfm
  • Tiwari,Jaya和Cleve J. Gray。“美国核事故。”国防信息中心。http://www.cdi.org/issues/nukeaccidents/accidents.htm

