How Chupacabras Work

By:Katherine Neer|

Black and White Sketch of a Chupacabra Face with Fangs
The Chupacabra is a vampire-like creature that has been gaining notoriety.

The Chupacabra Legend

在整个历史上,许多文化中都存在着流血生物的传说。兴发登录m xf839 com一个吸血鬼的生物已经获得了相当多的臭名昭著的是chupacabra.

The literal translation for the Spanish word "chupacabra" is "goat sucker。”“这个生物一直是北美和南美洲的隐秘学家(研究动物的科学家)不断的难题超过50年。在波多黎各,巴西,智利,墨西哥,墨西哥和美国,这是一只旅行良好的野兽。自1950年代初以来,Chupacabra在1990年代处于臭名昭著的高峰状态 - 甚至超过了Nessy(尼斯尼斯怪物)和Bigfoot.


In this article, we'll look at the legend of El Chupacabra and some reports of sightings and incidents.

Chupacabra发生的袭击和事件的涉嫌报告始终涉及livestock killingsand slain domestic animals with telltale puncture wounds on their necks. A blood sucking vampire beast roaming the night.

Originally, owners of the victims thought the Chupacabra to be a half-human, half-吸血鬼beast. The victims, most often goats and chickens, are reportedly drained of all their blood, but are otherwise left intact. There is usually no other evidence of a struggle or attack -- simply two or sometimes three puncture marks (almost large enough to accommodate a human finger) in the animal's neck. The discrepancy of puncture marks could be attributed to this:

  • Some reports indicate two large protruding fangs.
  • Some reports indicate three large claws on both the hands and feet.



Characteristics and Origins

Black and White Sketch of a Chupacabra Eating Livestock
The legendary creature the Chupacabra

Reported incidents of these sorts of creatures vary somewhat, but there are several basic characteristics that pop up over and over again. In most cases, the eyewitnesses describe a beast that is 4.5 to 5.5 feet (137 to 168 cm) tall, with an oval-shaped head bearing alien-like eyes that glow red. Most descriptions claim that the creature has long, feathery spines that run from the back of its head down the spine, ending at the rump.

Many eyewitnesses report a strong, unpleasantsulfur-type odor, but others say that the creature has no smell. Some say the skin is similar to a frog's -- green in color with mottled specks; others claim that it has the appearance of furry lizard with scaly skin.


Although the bipedal creature generally ambles ontwo legs, it has been known to run on all four. Many assert kangaroo-like qualities, saying that the Chupacabra uses its strong hind legs to jump rather than walk. Others suggest a more ape-like quality to the creature's gait.

The origins of the Chupacabra are a subject of debate, as well. Some people believe that this creature is the left-behind pet of visitors from outer space -- hence their uncanny resemblance tospace aliensknown as "grays." Both reportedly have large, oval heads with enormous eyes. The alien theory doesn't end there, however. Others speculate an alien/animal crossbreed created by scientists at NASA, suggesting that the creatures are escaped experiments gone awry. One veterinarian in South America believes that the Chupacabra is a genetically modified吸血鬼bat. Other medical and official personnel suspect that these incidents are caused by packs of wild dogs.


So far geneticists and wildlife biologists have identified all of the alleged chupacabra carcasses as those of known animal species, like mostly dogs with allergic reactions causing hair loss and mangy coyotes. If you think you've found one be careful as coming in contact with mange Though dead animals were reported to have been drained of blood when professionally autopsied, they were revealed to contain plenty of blood.





