The Tower: The Most Intimidating Tarot Card

By:Dominique Michelle Astorino|
tower tarot card
Some people hate to draw the Tower card as it seems to foretell danger.ekosuwandono/Shutterstock

So, you've got your firsttarot deckin hand, and you've drawn your first card. It's (sharp inhale) the Tower.

塔罗牌(Tower Tarot Card)(类似于死亡卡)可以将恐惧带入许多人的心中,但重要的是要拥有这些精神指南背后的含义的完整背景(和视角)。真相?您不一定要面对混乱,破坏,火和硫磺,但是仍然有一个重要的教训。


What Is the Tower Card?

In most Italian decks (tarot cards were invented in Italy in the 1400s), the Tower card depicts a scene of disaster: a burning building struck by a lightning bolt against a dark night sky; or a person (or two people) falling from the building, with fire billowing from the windows. Some depictions include a flash of lightning striking a tree.

该塔是主要的奥卡纳(Arcana)的一部分,有时称为“王牌”,它代表了人生中最大的原型主题。在78张塔罗牌中,有22张Major Arcana, including the Tower, which is No. 16 in the deck.



There are a few key themes for this particular card in your tarot deck:

  • sudden change
  • loss
  • endings
  • upheaval
  • transformation
  • obstacles
  • awakening

“塔楼(建筑物本身)代表了我们的安全感,稳定性和目标,闪电代表了变化的催化剂 - 想想新的见解,突然的解雇,婚姻或离婚。”蒂雷尔·樱桃, tarot reader and expert atSmudge Wellness. "These are life-altering moments in time that create a new normal."


当我们最不期望它并有点震惊时,该卡可能会出现 - 通常表明将来不可避免的损失。Cherry说:“因为这往往未经我们同意而发生,因此可能会有一种恐惧和不愉快的感觉。”“但是与死亡卡相似,塔楼正在清理不再为您服务的东西,以便您可以重建更坚固和更加镇定的东西。因此,有了一些正念,您可能可以通过这段时间而没有太多动荡或内在的情况下完成冲突。”

In this case, mindfulness may be your key to averting disaster and instead putting yourself on a transformative spiritual path.


What Happens If You Draw the Tower?

tower tarot card


"The Tower card shows up in a reading as a preemptive warning that massive change or transformation is on the way," says Cherry. "You should expect the unexpected, it is inevitably going to happen and any attempts at trying to evade [this change] will only make the experience more chaotic than it needs to be." In other words, resisting change will probably backfire.


Some look at this as divine intervention. If you've been stuck in something that isn't serving you, the Tower is an indicator that a catalyst for change is here to shake things up. Change can be hard, scary, bittersweet and even painful, but it can also be for the best. Consider this: Birth is a painful process (a sudden change) in which all parties are screaming, but it also leads to a beautiful new life.

The Tower's Power of Transformation





What a Reversed Tower Card Means

The Tower tarot card meanings change based on the position in which the card was drawn. The Tower reversed, for example, has a near opposite meaning from the Tower drawn upright.

Oracular astrologer and tarot reader Shannon Aganza, creator ofMoonGathering Courses, says her interpretation when she sees the Tower in reverse is simple: "Crisis averted!"


Whereas the upright Tower's change is usually due to external changes, the Tower reversed typically points to an internal transformation. Think: stepping into your power, having a spiritual awakening, discovering your purpose after feeling lost for an extended period.

"This could indicate a coming dramatic change or shift that's in our environment; it's not directly happening to us, but within our environment or to someone close to us, and we're being called to hold space for someone else going through it!" says Aganza.

The reversed card position may also indicate that you've been avoiding necessary change. Have you been avoiding something uncomfortable despite knowing that uncomfortable thing will help you get to a better place?


Similarly, your love life could be up for review; you may know that you're in a dysfunctional, unhealthy relationship, but the prospect of a breakup or divorce is too uncomfortable. In this case, the reversed Tower card could be a sign that you need to be brave and make a change.

It can also be an indication of healing. "We could be unpacking a destabilizing event that already happened," she says (think: tower moment). "It's also likely to show up after a series of traumatic events or one isolated event that真的got into our nervous system. In a bit of a PTSD-like model, we respond to a change with fear; the memory of the old wound is still living in our nervous system. However, with a reversed Tower, it's repair time! You now know we're safe and it's time to heal."


