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Are robots replacing human soldiers?


Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

The U.S. military is reportedly testing a new breed of war robots, ones that are designed to go out in the field with human soldiers and, like their flesh and blood brethren, respond to gestures and voice commands. They're also capable of carrying – and using – lethal weapons like grenade launchers and machine guns on command [source:桑伯恩]。

The 350-pound (159-kilogram) Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System (MAARS) machines run about $300,000 a pop, but proponents say that cost is easily justified if the robots can eventually be used in place of human soldiers. Not only might that cut down on physical risks, but it also may help soldiers avoid some of the mental and emotional issues – anxiety, post-traumatic stress – that can come with a tour of duty [sources:迪拜,Dean]。


Also in development is a pack animal-esque robot prototype designed to make human soldiers better fighters by lightening their loads. The Legged Squad Support System (LS3) is a roving set of next-level mechanical bulls, headless machines that look like bulls or pack horses. These robots are more of a complement to than a replacement of human boots on the ground, lugging gear and serving as a mobile auxiliary power source. The goal is for each semiautonomous machine to be able to "carry 400 pounds [181 kilograms] of a squad's load, follow squad members through rugged terrain, and interact with troops in a natural way, similar to a trained animal and its handler," according to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the technology's developer [sources:Madrigal,达帕]。

同时,约翰·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)的研究人员正在研究下一代机器人炸弹销售者。这是一个两轮躯干,使机器更加敏捷和假肢,例如为人类设计的躯干,可以卷曲高达50磅(23公斤),并以高达20磅(9公斤)的力捏住。除了遥控器外,机器人还可以通过远程敏感手套进行操作,这些手套使用户只需移动自己的手臂和手,以及动作跟踪耳机,使用户可以移动机器的手臂和手,从而使用户可以看到用户看到什么机器人看到[来源:Tarantola]。

Author's Note: Are robots replacing human soldiers?

In "Rocky VI," heavy themes of mortality, performance-enhancing drug use and war-torn international relations are lightened with a little comic relief from the Balboa family's personal robot named "Sico." The machine interacted with humans, sang happy birthday to Uncle Paulie and even kept him refreshed with ice cold beer. The robot joined the family and, in less than two hours of film time, Rocky slayed a gigantic Russian boxer, avenged his friend's death and ended the Cold War. Coincidence? I think not.

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