What is St. Elmo's Fire?

Dr. G. Hartwig/Treasures of the NOAA Library Collection/ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Department of Commerce

如果您要在雷暴期间看着家外面,看到一个高大的街头灯散发出蓝色flames,您可能很想打电话给消防部门。然后,您可能会注意到街头灯着火了,但实际上并没有燃烧 -water从消防软管中没有扑灭火焰。在这一点上,您可能准备打电话给牧师,但是就像打电话给消防部门一样,这是不必要的。您目睹的现象实际上是St. Elmo's Fire。(这与1980年代的成年电影无关,由年轻的Emilio Estevez主演。)

圣埃尔莫大火是一种天气现象,涉及差距电气收费。就像是闪电, but not quite. And while it has been mistaken for ball lightning, it's not that, either -- and it's definitely not fire.


早期的观察者对这种现象(大多数是在雷暴期间高海上的水手)似乎已经知道,他们并没有在看实际的火灾,因为他们没有放弃船,而是在桅杆上突然发光。像麦哲伦,凯撒和哥伦布这样的著名人物在旅途中经历了圣埃尔莫的大火。普林尼(Pliny the Elder)在公元1世纪似乎绝对记录了所有自然现象,当他描述蓝火在雷暴期间无处出现时,他击败了其他所有人。

水手倾向于将光芒归因于“圣埃尔莫”(St. Elmo),这是地中海水手的守护神圣埃尔莫(St. Ermo)或圣伊尔玛斯(St. Erasmus)的错误发音。他们认为大火是圣人得救的标志,因为这种现象最常发生在暴风雨结束时。本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)和查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)通过更加科学的观点观看了天气活动。但是,无论解释如何,很明显他们都在观察到同样的现象。与普遍的看法相反,圣埃尔莫的大火不仅发生在海上。



Causes of St. Elmo's Fire: The Fire That's Not a Fire

Like St. Elmo's Fire, neon tubes glow with the light of a sustained spark.“width=
Like St. Elmo's Fire, neon tubes glow with the light of a sustained spark.
Al Barry/三狮/Getty Images

Like闪电,圣埃尔莫的大火是等离子体, or ionized air that emits a glow. But while lightening is the movement of从充电cloudto the ground, St. Elmo's Fire is simply sparking, something like a shot of electrons into the air. It's a电晕放电, and it occurs when there is a significant imbalance in electrical charge, causing molecules to tear apart, sometimes resulting in a slight hissing sound.

The first step in generating St. Elmo's Fire is a thunderstorm. As you can learn inHow Lightning Works, a thunderstorm creates an electrically charged atmosphere. There is a charge difference between the storm clouds and the ground, and this difference creates voltage, or electrical pressure. In between the clouds and the ground, theatomsin the air undergo changes; most important to our discussion, electrons move farther away from protons, creating an environment that allows electrons to move around freely. In other words, the air becomes a good conductor.


Once the air is conducive to the movement of electrons, those electrons continue to increase the distance between their positively charged counterpart, protons. This isionization,血浆简直就是电离空气。引起圣埃尔莫(St.作为潜在的避雷针。


When the air molecules tear apart, they emit light. In the case of St. Elmo's Fire, the discharge is continuous -- sometimes lasting several minutes -- and creates a constant glow. The glow is blue because different gasses glow different colors when they become plasmas.Earth's大气中有氮和氧气,这种特殊的组合恰好是发光蓝色。

圣埃尔莫(St. Elmo)的大火正是霓虹灯管中发生的事情 - 本质上是连续的火花。如果地球的大气是由霓虹灯组成的,那么圣埃尔莫的火就会发光橙色而不是蓝色。霓虹灯管仅是玻璃中包含的圣埃尔莫大火。圣埃尔莫(St. Elmo)的火还表现得像等离子地球仪。一位飞行员描述了在飞行风暴云时,她的小飞机挡风玻璃上发生的现象。当她触摸挡风玻璃内部时,蓝色条纹伸向手指的尖端[来源:今日美国]。

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更多的Great Links

  • 圣埃尔莫的大火。Weather Elements. http://www.islandnet.com/~see/weather/elements/stelmo.htm
  • 圣埃尔莫的大火。天气笔记本。http://www.weathernotebook.org/transcripts/2000/07/12.html
  • Saint Elmo's Fire. Britannica.com. http://search.eb.com/eb/article-9064843
  • “是什么导致奇怪的光芒被称为圣埃尔莫的火?这与闪电有关吗?”科学美国人。http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=000cb330-61bf-1c71-9eb7809ec5888888888858888888&topicid = 13&catid = 3


