
By:雅各布·西尔弗曼(Jacob Silverman)

美国空军金骑士队是一支经验丰富的降落伞队,在许多活动中表现。看到我们的收藏military jets pictures
USAF Golden Knights


Army,,,,陆战队,,,,海军空军all participate in flyovers of one sort or another. Generally, these spectacles are arranged through the appropriate service's public affairs or community relations office.


他们不便宜:六个费用为36,000美元F/A-18A Hornet战斗机飞机 - 从海军的蓝色天使中队 - 在2008年超级碗之前飞越凤凰城体育场[来源:罗宾斯]。(蓝天使新闻官员告诉奥兰多前哨,为了增加蓝色天使和海军的知名度,这是值得的[来源:罗宾斯]。)

这cost is deducted from funds used for training, but for some special services, like the Golden Knights skydiving team, the event organizer (if it's a private organization) may have to pay for lodging, meals and transportation -- up to $3,000 a day.






尽管禁止在体育赛事中进行天桥,但它们一直都在发生,就像2009年3月在拉斯维加斯赛车场的NASCAR SPRINT杯系列Shelby 427之前那样。“width=
尽管禁止在体育赛事中进行天桥,但它们一直都在发生,就像2009年3月在拉斯维加斯赛车场的NASCAR SPRINT杯系列Shelby 427之前那样。
Stephen Dunn/Getty Images对于NASCAR

任何人都可以要求天桥 - 不允许军队偏爱一个团体而不是另一组 - 尽管如果您不符合某些条件,您可能不会获得批准。

Requesting a flyover is as simple as filling out a form on the Department of Defense (DoD) Web site. On DoD Form 2535, you can request various services, including:


  • 天桥
  • Static display
  • 单飞机演示
  • 其他空中支撑
  • 空中示范团队

If you select "aerial demonstration team," you can ask for the美国军队Golden Knights,美国海军蓝色天使或另一个特别团队。“其他空中支持”可能是指降落伞示威或搜救小组。

Expect to provide basic information about your event, such as when it's occurring and the location. You must also include crucial information about the elevation, size of the runway available (if possible) and the general type of site. It's also the requester's responsibility to offer details about any other aviation activity that may occur at the event.


根据表格2535表,天桥应该仅限于与航空有关的事件或与“爱国假期”有关的事件或事件 - 武装部队日,阵亡将士纪念日,独立日,POW/MIA认可日和退伍军人日[来源:资料来源:美国空军]。So technically, flyovers are not supposed to occur at sports events. Nevertheless, 440 sporting events had空军2005年和2006年的天桥,同一时期,海军批准了469个体育赛事的天桥或降落伞演示[来源:罗宾斯]。

If the event does involve planes in flight (and not a static display), then you will also have to coordinate with the local空中管制authorities, and you may need to obtain air show waivers from the FAA up to 60 days in advance. If your request is approved, you may have to do the work in finding an available squadron. Or, you may be contacted by a squadron commander who viewed your approved request online.



空军将天桥定义为“同一兵役中的一到四架同一类型的一到四架飞机的直盘,而不涉及特技飞机或飞机示范” [来源:美国空军]。有时,飞机可能会转过身并执行另一次通行证。飞机的高度至少为1,000英尺(305米),这是9月11日之后制定的规则。但是没有技巧或其他动作,因此不要期望看到雷鸟或特技团队作为一部分天桥。

天桥不一定由战斗机组成。直升机may be used, such as the UH-60 Black Hawk, or a large cargo plane like a C-17 Globemaster III. In fact, someone requesting a flyover can ask for any plane within the military's inventory, though it's not a guarantee that it will be available.


天桥s have to be carefully timed, usually so that the fighter jets appear just as the national anthem finishes (during the "home of the brave" line). The calculations are all performed on a电脑, 使用GPScoordinates and a target speed. Meanwhile, the planes are in a holding pattern near the event site. When a spotter positioned on the ground gives the command, the planes are off and soar over the event right on cue. The pilots may later appear at the event to be honored in person.


On the next page, we'll learn what happens when a flyover goes bad, taking a look at a couple of notorious incidents.


When Flyovers Go Bad


这botched New York City空军One天桥也许是天桥出错的最著名的例子。2009年4月27日星期一上午10点左右,纽约和新泽西州的一些居民看到了看起来像波音747在天空中飞低下的波音,盘旋该地区并被战斗机落后时,他们感到恐慌。在9月11日之后,这一不寻常的事件激起了许多人的可怕反应。工人冲出办公楼,紧急服务号码接到了一系列电话。

In fact, the plane was the backup Air Force One jet and it looks just like the one on which the president normally travels. Unfortunately, the White House Military Office hadn't announced to the public that a plane would be flying over as part of a photo-op, although New York City officials had been notified beforehand. As a result, Louis E. Caldera, the director of the White House Military Office, turned in his resignation on May 8, 2009. In the letter, Caldera writes,



这April 2009 NYC flyover was not the only controversial incident of its kind, particularly in New York. In February 2002, Manhattanites were shocked to see two F-16s returning from a routine patrol, flying at low altitude over the city. On May 15, 2003, a Boeing 777 containing soldiers returning home from Iraq "buzzed" the Statue of Liberty. Flying at an estimated 2,000 to 3,000 feet (610 to 914 meters), the plane had, at the last minute, received special permission to fly low and offer the soldiers a better view of the landmark [source:Saltonstall,Mbugua,Gittrich]。以前已经为返回士兵进行了类似的蝇by。但是这一事件引起了一些居民的恐慌,并导致当地消防局赶到现场。这也结束了返回士兵的蝇by的做法。


For more information about flyovers, military planes and other related topics, look over the links on the next page.



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更多的Great Links


  • “空军否认在基督教节上要求天桥的要求。”福克斯新闻。2009年7月7日。http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/07/07/pentagon-denies-genies-gentry-country-family-family-fesitval-fly-request/?test=latestnews-
  • “空军Used Twitter to Track NY Flyover Fallout." New York Times. Associated Press. Aug. 10, 2009. http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2009/08/10/us/politics/AP-US-Pentagon-Twitter-Tracking.html
  • 汉考克,大卫。“军事纽约天桥的价格为328,000美元。”CBS新闻。2009年4月29日。http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2009/04/29/politics/politicationhotsheet/entry49777046.shtml
  • “阵亡将士纪念日军事立交桥。”圣莫尼卡市。http://www01.smgov.net/airport/flyover_memorialday2009.htm
  • “史坦顿岛海岸的军事天桥开放了舰队周。”史坦顿岛前进。2009年5月20日。http://www.silive.com/news/index.ssf/2009/05/military_flyover_off_staten_is.html
  • 菲利普斯,凯特。“天桥天桥从午夜开始。”纽约时报。2009年5月18日。http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/05/18/dc-military-flyovers-begin-at-midnight/
  • “请求军事空中支援。”国防部。http://www.ourmilitary.mil/pdf/dd2535-aviation.pdf
  • “要求金骑士。”美国陆军招募司令部。http://www.usarec.army.mil/hq/goldenknights/request.html
  • 罗宾斯,乔什。“军事天桥:奢侈还是宝贵?”奥兰多哨兵。Pantagraph。2008年2月17日。http://www.pantagraph.com/news/article_761b5e222222-77a5-5e5e-a2f5-a2f5-3d003fc23a52.html
  • Rulbal,萨尔。“陆军 - 纳维活动是一场幻想的飞行。”今日美国。2007年12月1日。http://www.usatoday.com/sports/college/football/2007-11-29-army-navy-flyover_n.htm
  • Saltonstall, David; Mbugua, Martin; Gittrich, Greg. "Just plane crazy Jet buzzes Statue of Liberty." NY Daily News. May 15, 2003. http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/news/2003/05/15/2003-05-15_just_plane_crazy_jet_buzzes_.html
  • Sulzberger A.G.和Wald,Matthew L.“白宫为空军天桥道歉。”纽约时报。2009年4月27日。http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/04/27/air-force-one-backup-rattles-new-york-neorve/
  • “ USAF航空事件支持。”美国空军。https://www.airshows.pa.hq.af.mil/publicsite/index.cfm?fwa=newreq
  • 美国空军。“常见问题解答:美国空军。” https://www.airshows.pa.hq.af.mil/publicsite/index.cfm?fwa=faq
  • 这White House, Office of the Press Secretary. Louis E. Caldera resignation letter. May 8, 2009.http://www.whitehouse.gov/assets/documents/Louis_Caldera_resignation.pdf


