
这些文章探讨了进化 - 人口的遗传特征从一代到下一代中看到的变化。进化是生物学的最大奥秘之一,因为这是一个缓慢的过程,难以研究。

了解更多 /第3页

How did life on Earth begin? Theories abound, but one popular one posits that it started spontaneously from primordial ooze on our planet, while another holds that it literally came from outer space. Who's right?

经过乔什·克拉克(Josh Clark)

Where did humans come from? How did they migrate throughout the globe? Thanks to a longstanding anthropological concept and an unexpected discovery, conventional wisdom on human migration may be irrevocably shattered.

经过乔什·克拉克(Josh Clark)

When peering thousands of years into the future, there are certain things we can count on -- evolution, extinction, plate tectonics, climate change and, quite possibly, the eruption of a supervolcano. What else does the Earth's far future hold?

经过威廉·哈里斯(William Harris)



经过乔纳森·阿特伯里(Jonathan Atteberry)

随着人口飙升,我们喂养所有饥饿的嘴巴的能力无法保持步伐。英国经济学家以托马斯·马尔萨斯(Thomas Malthus)的名义如何思考19世纪这个问题,以及他与达尔文的联系是什么?

经过威廉·哈里斯(William Harris)


经过威廉·哈里斯(William Harris)

Maybe you've noticed that a lot of unrelated marine animals have a torpedo-like body -- a dolphin may not be related to a small fish, but the shape of both species gets each one through the water quickly. On the other hand, two similar species can evolve into entirely different species. So what's going on here: convergent or divergent evolution?

经过Marianne Spoon




A society run by women doesn't have to be the mirror opposite of one run by men. What does a matriarchy look like, and is it possible you're already living in one?


Let's assume that long ago Homo sapiens communicated by grunting at one another. How and when did all those grunting sounds evolve into a verb tenses, clauses and proper nouns?


Long before sonnets, sestinas and short stories were historical accounts of kings carved onto clay tablets. Who were the first writers and what did they scribble?



Our planet sits in the sun’s Goldilocks zone: the region that’s not too hot and not too cold. But it takes more than temperature to make a planet just right for supporting forms of life as diverse as the Earth’s.

经过罗伯特·兰姆(Robert Lamb)


经过伊丽莎白·斯普劳斯(Elizabeth Sprouse)

Since Charles Darwin published the theory of evolution by means of natural selection, myths and misinterpretations have eroded public understanding of his ideas. Ready to take another look at one of the related questions that just won't die?

经过威廉·哈里斯(William Harris)

多亏了我们的大脑,我们人类已经找到了使食物易于获得的方法(一天中的24小时)。但是,在这个肥胖时代,我们能否确定我们开始打包体重的一开始 - 它比快餐的兴起更及时吗?

经过莫莉·埃德蒙兹(Molly Edmonds)


Many of us don't have a clue as to what our great-great grandmother's name was. (No offense, great-great grandmas everywhere.) So imagine extending that family tree a few million years beyond that and seeing what our ancestors were up to.

经过乔纳森·阿特伯里(Jonathan Atteberry)


经过罗伯特·兰姆(Robert Lamb)


经过罗伯特·兰姆(Robert Lamb)


经过莫莉·埃德蒙兹(Molly Edmonds)


Variety is the spice of life. Absent the amazing diversity of organisms that calls Earth home, it would be a deadly boring place. How did we get to a point where Komodo dragons, giraffes and butterflies all compete for space on the same planet?

经过罗伯特·兰姆(Robert Lamb)

When a basketball superstar makes a 3-pointer, the multimillion-dollar paychecks go into his or her bank account. But why don't his or her parents get the glory? After all, didn't they provide the DNA that allowed for such incredible success?

经过莫莉·埃德蒙兹(Molly Edmonds)


经过莫莉·埃德蒙兹(Molly Edmonds)


经过莫莉·埃德蒙兹(Molly Edmonds)



经过乔什·克拉克(Josh Clark)


经过乔什·克拉克(Josh Clark)