
Popeye reaches for his trusty can of spinach. Is it really a good source of iron?“width=
Popeye reaches for his trusty can of spinach. Is it really a good source of iron?
派拉蒙图片/Getty Images

史酷比有小吃。加菲猫有烤宽面条。卡特曼有俗气的po。但是,没有人与Popeye与菠菜的关系竞争。当Popeye吃菠菜,他的前臂三倍时,他获得了增强的力量,也许最令人困惑的是,他使流行文化最伟大的神话之一永存。兴发登录m xf839 com

Popeye首先在1932年7月3日的卡通条带上嚼了一口菠菜。尽管这位水手男人的讲话并不清楚,但他的举动肯定是:菠菜很好,对您有好处。几十年后,孩子们仍然听到父母说:“吃你的菠菜” - 因为它的铁含量 - “所以你可以像大力水手一样大而坚强。”


但这并不是真实故事的发展。Popeye实际上打趣说:“菠菜充满了维生素'a'',这是使Hoomans坚强的“ Helty”的原因[来源:Cronin]。Turns out, Popeye didn't eat spinach for iron, he gobbled it for vitamin A. (Specifically, he ingested beta-carotene, which his body transformed into vitamin A.)

菠菜,称为Spinacia oleracea, is an annual plant eaten for its elliptical leaves, which average 2 to 30 centimeters (.78 to 22 inches) in length. Although there's not a definitive answer on which of the two main types of spinach Popeye preferred, we're betting it was flat leaf spinach, a smooth-leaved variety that is usually canned or frozen [source:绿叶绿色委员会]。Curly leaf spinach, sometimes known assavoy spinach,有皱纹的叶子,经常在超市或沙拉吧的预洗包装中发现。它的味道有点甜,当收获早期时,被称为婴儿菠菜。还有卷曲和扁叶品种的混合体,称为半卫星[来源:佐治亚大学]。

Popeye在菠菜上零食的动机并不是围绕这种绿叶绿色的唯一神话。另一个是菠菜并不是真正的铁的良好来源 - 人们只是这样想数学error. We'll take a look at the myths -- and facts -- all wrapped up in this veggie.




目前,中国在2011年在2011年收获了280,000吨(618,000磅)的菠菜,其次是全球约85%的菠菜供应。Borris]。By far the largest U.S. spinach producer is California, trailed by Arizona, New Jersey and Texas [source:USDA]。


营养学家在1972年的一份报告中,围绕该绿叶绿色的铁数量的争议。阿诺德·本德(Arnold Bender)教授断言,19世纪的德国研究人员通过将小数点放置在错误的位置时录制菠菜的铁含量时犯了一个错误30多年来,在医学期刊,教科书和流行文化中被视为事实,直到在犯罪学家迈克·萨顿(Mike Sutton)精心研究的文章中被证明是错误的兴发登录m xf839 com。萨顿得出的结论是,这些德国研究人员从未存在[来源:Kruszelnicki, Sutton].

So what's the truth about spinach's iron content? According to the USDA, there are:

  • 6.43毫克一杯煮熟的新鲜菠菜
  • 4.92 milligrams in one cup canned spinach
  • 3.72 milligrams in one cup frozen spinach
  • .81 milligrams in one cup raw spinach


However, spinach also contains oxalic acid which inhibits iron absorption. So it's good to eat it with foods that enhance iron absorption like, fish, poultry, citrus fruits or certain vegetables like broccoli, sweet peppers, tomatoes and potatoes [source:Tsang]。




If you're selecting canned or frozen spinach at the local supermarket, you don't need to employ a lot of strategy to find the right one. Simply check the expiration date, compare the price and make a decision. Fresh spinach, however, requires a bit more consideration. Fresh spinach should be consumed at the height of its color, so look for taut upright leaves with a deep, viridian hue -- the lush sort of green that brings to mind rainforests and leafy canopies. Then, turn a few of the leaves to make sure they are free of bruises, abrasions or yellowed areas.


Keep in mind that spinach is often grown in sandy soil, so unless you're purchasing the prewashed kind, you'll need to briefly soak the leaves in cold water, swish them around and then empty the bowl of debris. After a few rounds of this, you should have clean spinach at your fingertips [source:贝克]。新鲜的菠菜每天都会丢失营养物质,它存储在冰箱中,因此您可能不想购买超过可以快速消费的更多食品[来源:科学日报]。

如果您在烹饪时使用菠菜作为成分,则需要注意该食谱是需要新鲜,罐装还是冷冻的。新鲜菠菜是92%的水,这意味着您需要更多的水才能等于与一罐菠菜相同的含量[来源:University of Kentucky]。这解释了上一页列表中铁含量的差异。但是,您选择摄入它,关于菠菜有一个简单的事实:这对您有好处。





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  • 贝克, Leslie. "Spinach." (Nov. 2, 2012) Leslie Beck. http://www.lesliebeck.com/ingredient_index.php?featured_food=85
  • Borris, Hayley. "Commodity Profile: Spinach." February 2006. (Nov. 2, 2012) Agricultural Issues Center University of California. http://aic.ucdavis.edu/profiles/Spinach-2006.pdf
  • 科罗拉多州立大学. "2002: Year of the Spinach." Jan. 5, 2010. (Nov. 2, 2012) http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/CoopExt/4DMG/Whats/spinach1.htm
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  • Tsang,R.D。,Gloria。“菠菜是铁的良好来源吗?”xf187手机版healthcastle.com。(2012年11月8日)。http://www.xf187手机版healthcastle.com/iron-pinach.shtml
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  • USDA. "USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 18." (Nov. 2, 2012) http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/Data/SR18/nutrlist/sr18w303.pdf
  • USDA. "Vegetables Summary 2011." January 2012. (Nov. 2, 2012) http://usda01.library.cornell.edu/usda/current/VegeSumm/VegeSumm-01-26-2012.pdf

