
By:Sarah Dowdey

© Photographer: Pokerman | Agency:Dreamstime

足迹提供了有关我们来自何处和前进地点的线索。他们的印象告诉我们一些有关离开它们的动物的信息。但是,尽管实际足迹提供了有关尺寸,重量和速度的详细信息,但碳足迹measure how much carbon dioxide (CO2) we produce just by going about our daily lives. A drive to work, a flip of aswitch and a flight out of town all rely on the combustion of fossil fuels likeoil,煤炭和天然气。当化石燃料燃烧时,它们会发出像二氧化碳这样的温室气体全球暖化。Ninety-eight percent of atmospheric CO2 comes from the combustion of fossil fuels [source:能源信息管理]。

关心环境和全球变暖的人通常试图通过提高房屋的能源效率和更少的驾驶能力来减少碳的产量。有些首先要计算其碳足迹以设定基准 - 就像在饮食。碳足迹仅仅是一个数字 - 通常是每月或每年的二氧化碳输出总数。网站与carbon calculatorsturn easy-to-supply information like annual mileage and monthly power usage into a measurable tonnage of carbon. Most people try to reduce their carbon footprint, but others aim to erase it completely. When people attempt碳中立性,他们尽可能减少排放量并抵消其余的。碳补偿让您付费以减少全球温室气体总计,而不是自制。当您购买偏移量时,您将通过恢复森林,更新电厂和工厂或提高建筑物和运输的能源效率来减少排放的项目。


一些公司已经开始在其标签上包含足迹。碳标签吸引那些了解和监视自己的碳足迹并希望支持这样做的产品的消费者。标签估计通过生产,包装,运输和处置产品产生的排放。这个概念类似生命周期分析,碳足迹的更复杂的先驱。生命周期分析或评估评估了产品在其存在过程中可能产生的所有潜在环境影响 - 它们是碳足迹的更集中版本。


In this article, we'll learn how carbon计算器提出您的个人总数,意味着什么以及如何减少碳足迹。



©摄影师:Aberenyi |机构:Dreamstime

为了保持尽可能的访问,大多数碳计算器都会提出有关消费的非常简单的问题。他们接受年度估计usage or mileage instead of exact and difficult-to-provide totals.



Most calculators also ask for the size of your household. The calculator can then differentiate between your personal carbon footprint and that of the house as a whole.

To determine the amount of CO2 produced by home electricity, the calculator divides the estimated or exact usage by the price of power in the area. The calculator then multiplies this number by the state's emissions factor, a figure that relates to the type of energy the state uses. Calculators also factor in natural gas, heating oil and propane use.

Most calculators account for the lower emissions of绿色力量订户。一些电力公司允许客户选择更多的每月账单,以从可再生能源中获得一定比例的电力。这减少了该州的化石燃料产量,并有助于发展绿色市场。

Carbon footprints also include the CO2 produced by transportation. Most people don't know their annual fuel usage, so calculators usually ask for an estimated annual mileage and the car's make, model and year. The calculator divides mileage by the car's燃油效率确定年度使用燃料。然后将该数字乘以汽油或柴油燃料的排放系数,后者将其转换为二氧化碳的磅。

For air travel, some carbon calculators ask for an annual estimate of mileage. Other calculators account for increased emissions during takeoff and ask for the number of short, medium, long or extended flights.




Reducing Carbon Footprints


运输占美国二氧化碳排放量的33%,因此许多人试图降低其里程[来源:EIA]。一些散步或bike只要有可能;其他拼车,乘坐公共交通或投资fuel-efficient cars


家庭能源使用占美国二氧化碳排放量的21%,因此有助于有效的房屋。[资源:EIA]设置thermostatat a moderate temperature and installing good insulation and double-paned windows lowers energy costs while keeping your house comfortable.紧凑的荧光灯(CFL),节能电器和绿色功率来源也有助于降低消费。

Of course, individual efforts to reduce emissions can go only so far. Cutting CO2 and other greenhouse gases down to safer levels requires significant government regulation. Lessening carbon footprints does, however, let people see where they are and how they can change. Those who think government regulation moves too slowly or who want to accept personal responsibility for their emissions can track their own reductions and alter their individual habits.

To learn more about carbon footprints,全球暖化和其他相关主题,请查看下一页上的链接。



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  • “ Al Gore的'不便真相'? - 一项30,000美元的公用事业账单。”ABC新闻。2007年8月15日。http://abcnews.go.com/politics/globalwarming/story?id = 2906888
  • “Defining Life Cycle Assessments." http://www.gdrc.org/uem/lca/lca-define.html
  • “Do as I say-or as I do?" The Economist. Feb. 15, 2007. http://www.economist.com/world/europe/displaystory.cfm? story_id=8703017
  • “Ecological Footprint: Overview." Global Footprint Network. http://www.footprintnetwork.org/gfn_sub.php?content=footprint_overview
  • “ 2005年美国温室气体的排放。”能源信息管理。2006年11月。http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/1605/ggrpt/carbon.html
  • “物质女孩有多绿?”英国广播公司的新闻。http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2007/07/03/madonna_ carbon_footprint_feature.shtml
  • “您的个人影响如何计算?”气候危机。http://www.climatecrisis.net/takeaction/carboncalculator/howitwascalcalculation.html
  • Narang, Sonia. "Carbon with that Latte?" Forbes. July 3, 2007. http://www.forbes.com/2007/07/02/starbucks-emissions-environment- biz-cz_sn_0703green_carbon.html
  • “不在标签上。”经济学家。2007年5月17日。http://www.economist.com/science/displaystory.cfm?story_id= 9184296
  • “这Private Jet Set." Guardian Unlimited. Jan. 24, 2007. http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2007/jan/24/ travelsenvironmentalimpact.carbonfootprints
  • 桑德尔,克莱顿。“减少碳足迹。”ABC新闻。2006年6月7日。http://abcnews.go.com/technology/tenways/story?id=2049304&page=1


