
By:嘉莉·惠特尼(Carrie Whitney)博士|

Unité d'Habitation in Marseille“width=
马赛的统治者可以说是有史以来最具影响力的野蛮建筑。它也是20世纪法国建筑师Le Corbusier的17个项目之一,将被添加到联合国教科文组织的国际重要建筑网站列表中。Flickr/Denis Esakov/(CC 3.0)

进行有关世界上最美丽的建筑的对话,可能还有一段时间才提到一个野蛮建筑的榜样。清单上可能有许多法国建筑物凡尔赛宫or something more recent like the圣人大教堂,但勒·科布西耶(Le Corbusier)Unité d'Habitation在马赛中,可能不会排在任何人的名单中。

然而,该建筑于1952年完成,被称为建筑师和设计师的“最重要和鼓舞人心”每日一次。Made of béton-brut concrete, which was inexpensive in post-World War II Europe, the innovative building housed 1,600 individuals and included spaces for dining, shopping and gathering. And its heavy look and raw material established Brutalism, a style that has been fighting for its rightful place in the imagination of architecture lovers ever since.



布兰登·巴克(Brandon Buck),里巴·巴克(Riba)和设计总监说,野蛮主义是一种从战后时代出来的建筑风格,由几个关键特征定义,包括大型建筑形式,独特和醒目的形状,厚实的材料以及未完成的表面和材料。全球设计公司珀金斯和威尔。巴克还领导着在伦敦41 Tower Hill的野蛮主义理查德·塞弗特大厦(Richard Seifert)建筑。

是为了野蛮主义的名字而造成的未完成的表面 - 闻名的原始混凝土称为béton brut用法语。该样式主要利用这种裸露的混凝土,有时还使用砖块,并带有单色调色板的覆盖。当然,需要其他建筑中的其他材料,例如钢,木材和玻璃,但它们是次要的。

“I think it's hard not to be impressed with the striking nature of Brutalist architecture," says Buck, who compares the style to walking through a modern art museum — even if you don't love everything, it makes you stop and wonder and feel something.

全球设计公司珀金斯&Will的设计总监布兰登·巴克(Brandon Buck)领导着在伦敦塔山(Tower Hill)41 Tower Hill的Brutalist大楼的团队。


Brutalism, Popular or Not?

With the understanding that the moniker attached to this 20th-century style of architecture relates to raw concrete rather than it's "brutal" nature, it's curious that it has earned such a negative image.

“If you think about popular culture, there is a raft of movies that painted Brutalist buildings in a bad way because of what was happening around those buildings," Buck says. He cites the housing estate in the film "发条橙“as an example. Uses like this in popular culture have fed into the reputation of Brutalism's, well, brutalness.

In fact, Brutalist buildings are sometimes touted asuglyorhated。但是,重要的是要记住,这种风格具有重要的目的和历史背景。


In that era, people liked it. Architects that advocated for the style "sought to project a sense of strength through these large, fortress-like designs," Buck explains.

Yet even with the focus on sensibility and authority, Brutalist architecture had a softer side in that it displayed the rawness and imperfections of handmade items.

“这re is something very human about that," says Buck.


Brutalism for Home Décor and Interiors

If you're looking to incorporate Brutalist style into your life, you don't have to move to a mid- to late-20th century building to do it. Home décor influenced by Brutalist ideas is readily available. A piece of Brutalist-inspired sculpture might also do the trick.


金库explains that today's Brutalist interiors begin with a large textured base and maintain an emphasis on natural materials. What's new is that polished and chrome metallics may be added. The clean shapes and forms present a good juxtaposition against other palettes that are more colorful or include things like brass and copper, Buck explains.

“这tone of the concrete and its imperfections go well with other material palettes from an interior design perspective," he says.


Is Brutalism Making a Resurgence?

After falling out of favor in the 1980s, partially due to its association with totalitarianism, writes杰西卡·斯图尔特(Jessica Stewart)— think社会主义现代主义— Brutalism appears to be making a comeback. It's not that new Brutalist buildings are popping up like it's the 1960s, but rather existing structures are getting a second look and being enhanced, refurbished and retrofit.

“That's really a big movement right now," says Buck. The solid structure of Brutalist buildings is often compatible with adding several stories, so today's architects can keep the essence of a building and provide a better feel and environment that feeds into the community.


在许多野蛮的建筑中,与混凝土跨度成比例地将窗帘最小化或最小化,因此通常增强了一个增强功能以​​增加开口的大小。这是有争议的2018 Cooper随身更新到Marcel Breuer设计的目标之一亚特兰大中部图书馆。Buck称,外观的重叠也可以用于改善建筑物的性能,以控制热量或增益。

Thanks to the combination of their initial functionality, their structural soundness and connection with many important architects, Brutalist buildings are experiencing a revival in this century. Like it or not.



Famous Brutalist Buildings

Brutalist buildings and structures can be foundthroughout the world;您可能没有意识到很多。除了Le Corbusier的Unitéd'Happation,还开始了这一切Notre Dame du Hautin Ronchamp, France, is "one of the most important buildings of the 20th century," according toDezeen.com。

Notre Dame du Haut chapel“width=
Considered by many critics to be Le Corbusier's finest work, the Notre Dame du Haut chapel features a huge curving board-marked concrete roof that shows a break away from the functionalism of the architect's earlier buildings.
Sobli/RDB/ullstein bild via Getty Images


Swiss-British architect理查德·塞弗特(Richard Seifert)他创建了野蛮的建筑物,包括34层的“ Beehive'玻璃和混凝土网格”中心点,该伦敦几十年来一直没有使用,现在已被重新开发为一个high-end residential tower巴比肯中心是伦敦著名的野蛮建筑中的另一个;它在张伯林(Chamberlin),鲍威尔(Powell)和邦(Bon)的建筑师受到居住的启发。

Chamberlin,Powell和Bon的建筑师设计了伦敦的Epic Barbican Center,受到了UnitéD'Happitation的启发。
Jordi Prats/shutterstock

Moshe Safdie's的另一次尝试“重新想象公寓生活”栖息地67, built for the 1967 World's Fair in Montreal, combined the concrete of Brutalism with日本代谢对于由模块化立方体定义的外观。

由以色列加拿大建筑师Moshe Safdie设计为1967年世界博览会的加拿大建筑师Moshe Safdie设计的Habitat 67最初是在密集的城市环境中作为高质量住房的实验解决方案。
Taxiarchos228/Wikimedia/(CC BY-SA 3.0)

波士顿is home to many examples of Brutalist architecture, including Boston City Hall, which has been described as a "混凝土要塞。“Its design is the result of an international contest for which the winning concept was submitted by Gerhard Kallmann, Noel McKinnell and Edward Knowles, admirers of Le Corbusier.

波士顿市政厅的设计是国际竞赛的结果,该竞赛是由Gerhard Kallmann,Noel McKinnell和Le Corbusier的崇拜者Edward Knowles提交的。
DEA/m。Borchi /de Agostini通过Getty Images

最知名的野蛮建筑之一是Geisel图书馆在加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校。由威廉·佩雷拉(William Pereira)设计,成立于1970年,由钢筋混凝土和玻璃制成,该建筑的两层楼高的基座上有六个额外的故事,上面是悬臂。

最知名的野蛮建筑之一是Geisel图书馆at University of California San Diego, which was designed by William Pereira.



