
Elke Dennis/dreamstime.com

当然,您在电影院的黑暗范围内吃饭(可以说,比其他任何场所都要多),但是您多久特别注意屏幕上的食物?在过去的二十年中,三明治特别是在该国一些最著名的电影中发挥了主角。还记得丹泽尔·华盛顿(Denzel Washington)在1993年的电影《费城》中的帕斯特拉米盛宴吗?在2004年的Stoner Flick“ Harold&Kumar去白城堡”中,白色城堡滑块的数十个镜头呢?




在80年代,人物在80年代吸引了我们的注意力,而不是雪佛兰·蔡斯(Chevy Chase)在国家公兰声轻弹中歇斯底里地扮演的狂热,笨拙和最终可爱的克拉克·W·格里斯沃尔德(Clark W. Griswold)。In the original, written by John Hughes (of "Sixteen Candles" and "The Breakfast Club" fame), Griswold blithely enjoys a bologna sandwich in a park one day, only to find out—yuck!—that crotchety old Aunt Edna’s dog, Dinky, has urinated on it. “Mom, my sandwich is all wet,” protests Griswold’s son Rusty, played by a teenage Anthony Michael Hall. “They’re all wet... Oh God!... The dog wet on the picnic basket,” exclaims Mom, as Griswold spits out his bite. Aunt Edna famously looks at hers, shrugs, and keeps on eating.



“早餐俱乐部”主要设置在单个教室的四堵墙内,依靠小东西来保持有趣。这个终极成年邪教经典的午餐时间场景是天才:五个学生中的每个学生中的每一个都将自己的美食家旋转在事物上。以Ally Sheedy扮演的黑暗,内向,怪异的流浪者为例:她用Pimento Loaf和Pimento Loaf用Pixy Stix和Cap’n Crunch Cereal代替了Pimento面包。如果您努力做出自己的工作,请确保一旦填充填充物就将三明治粉碎,这确实增加了真实性。



在一个几乎每一行都引用的rom-com中,也许没有比萨利·奥尔布赖特(Sally Albright)在传奇纽约市熟食店熟食店著名的盘子中更著名的场景。梅格·瑞安(Meg Ryan)饰演的奥尔布赖特(Albright)试图说服她的朋友哈里·伯恩斯(Billy Crystal)(比利·克里斯特尔(Billy Crystal)),他可能不会像他在女性满意度的领域那样精明。为了将重点带回家,奥尔布赖特(Albright)放下了叉子,屏住了呼吸,并制定了一个长达一分钟,可听见的假性高潮,从而吸引了餐厅中每个人的注意力。同时,哈利被迫放下帕斯特拉米三明治(当然是卡茨专业),以至于他一直在尽职尽责。最后,一位惊讶的是旁观者对女服务员的评论:“我会拥有她拥有的东西。”



A poignant moment in the ‘90s rom-com Dave comes when presidential impersonator Dave Kovic, played by Kevin Kline, awakens one night in the White House and asks Secret Service agent Duane Stevenson to accompany him to the kitchen so he can make his “special sandwich.” As Kovic and Stevenson discuss things the average person would certainly wonder about if given access to the President’s security team — say, whether Stevenson would actually take a bullet for the President or whether he ever uses his gun — Kovic mindfully assembles an ultra-bionic sandwich piled high with meat and lettuce. “So that means, now you’d get killed for me too?” Kovic concludes. Then he hands Stevenson half of his masterpiece.


“ Spanglish”,2004年

A sandwich stars in the 2004 Adam Sandler flick Spanglish just as the narrative comes to a head: Sandler’s John Clasky, having just realized his wife has cheated on him, comes home one night after working as head chef of a popular restaurant and whips up the best sandwich he’s ever made in his life for his live-in housekeeper, Flor Moreno. It’s over sandwich-making that Moreno, played by Paz Vega, and Clasky realize their love for each other, and it’s no wonder: world-renowned chef Thomas Keller actually provided the recipe for the movie and personally taught Sandler how to make it. There’s finesse involved, of course, but the basic gist is this: three slices of bacon, fried up perfectly in a pan and drained, plus melted Monterey jack, mayo, a fried egg, a tomato, lettuce, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Apparently, the egg shouldn’t break until the moment you cut the sandwich, which has 1,200 calories when made correctly.




