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共同的智慧认为,英雄可以追溯到20世纪初的缅因州和意大利移民,他们开始在新鲜出炉的卷中兜售基本三明治。乔瓦尼·阿马托(Giovanni Amato)这个名字听起来很熟悉,他们真正知道自己的东西的美食家:直到今天,阿马托(Amato)在波特兰中部出售了比萨饼,意大利面,是的,是相同的三明治。


对意大利裔美国人美食的着迷于新英格兰的其余部分,到第一次世界大战开始时,波士顿的一家餐厅开始向附近驻扎在附近的海军军人出售烤面包,因此,昵称“潜艇”或“ Sub”的绰号。透明当然,没有某种分歧的情况,任何标志性食品的历史都不会完整:其他人仍然认为意大利移民多米尼克·孔蒂(Dominic Conti)的灵感来自新泽西州的一家新泽西博物馆中的1901年潜艇。反过来,他的孙女声称,Conti开始出售传统的意大利“潜艇”,这是一块硬皮,冷切,生菜,西红柿,辣椒,洋葱,石油和醋,以及调味料,以及他在新泽西州帕特森的杂货店。

每个人都同意“ Hoagie”一词起源于1950年代费城,当时一个名为“ Hog Island”的造船厂开始为自己制作三明治时,“ Hoagie”一词起源于1950年代,这似乎是“ hoagie”一词。“ Hog Island”三明治一词被缩短为“ Hoggies”,然后是“ Hoagie”。(A more sinister etymology holds that “hoagie” is slang for “on the hoke,” a disparaging remark among Philly’s Italian community to describe a poor person who subsisted on deli scraps: cheese, meats, and breads.) Anyway, the sandwich gained speed and was popularized as far as Pittsburg by the mid-1960s. And while most people tend to associate Philly with the cheesesteak, Ed Rendell, former Philadelphia mayor and former Pennsylvania governor, once declared the hoagie the city’s official sandwich. However you slice it, a defining characteristic of the Philadelphia version is the, uh, sub’ng of well-seasoned olive oil for mustard and vinegar.


当然,今天,一个熟悉的景象是在同一城市街区或同一郊区脱衣舞购物中心竞争的英雄商店。Just think of the fast-casual restaurants you can rattle off by memory: Blimpie (an Arizona-based chain that opened its first shop in Hoboken, N.J., in 1964), D’Angelo (which got it start under a different name in Massachusetts during the ‘60s), and, of course, Subway (the largest restaurant chain the world). Headquartered in Connecticut, Subway opened its first location in 1965 and today offers some pretty unusual variations on the traditional hero, including a giant six-foot-long sandwich that feeds up to 25 extremely hungry people.



