How Coconut Oil Went From Superfood to 'Pure Poison'

By:阿里亚·霍伊特(Alia Hoyt)|

coconut oil
Is coconut oil really a superfood, the beneficiary of good marketing, or something in between?RUSS ROHDE/Getty Images

几年前,似乎coconut oilcould do no wrong. Practically out of nowhere, it wasbeing toutedincessantly as a "superfood,“由于声称它有助于燃烧脂肪和遏制饥饿感,除其他令人印象深刻的壮举。但是,最近,哈佛大学教授开了这个隐喻的镜头,他说椰子油在世界各地。是纯毒。”这是在发布后不久更新的指南由美国心脏协会(AHA)敦促人们避免饱和脂肪酸,其中包括椰子油。

The leap from "superfood" to "pure poison" is pretty big. Like, Grand Canyon big. So, which is it?


毫不奇怪,答案位于中间的某个地方,甚至可以再次进行研究,甚至可以再次改变。Melissa Majumdar是一名注册营养师,spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics。她指出,尽管有相反的流行和普遍的主张,但目前没有足够的证据来评估的有效性coconut oil对于糖尿病,体重减轻,克罗恩病,肠易激综合症和甲状腺问题等问题。

"Many of the 'health' claims have been blown out of proportion and are not yet validated," she explains in an email interview. That's not to say that coconut oil is therefore the devil, though. "At the end of the day, coconut oil may have some beneficial properties that we're still exploring, but it's still a fat and should fit onto our plate in moderation."


Much of the confusion lies in our scientific understanding of how coconut oil operates. A tablespoon of coconut oil has the same number of calories as other oils, like olive and canola (120 calories). However it also has 13 grams of saturated fat, 63 percent of your daily RDA (recommended dietary allowance) of saturated fat. That was why people watching their cholesterol were advised to stay away from it in the past.

In the last decade or so, some people began reclassifyingcoconut oil as "healthy."Here's why: The proponents said coconut oil has medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), unlike most other oils, which have long-chain triglycerides. Medium- and short-chain triglycerides are more quickly absorbed and sent into circulation than long-chain triglycerides. A 2003 study had shown thatMCTs can speed up your metabolism,这可以帮助您减肥,而另一项研究表明MCTs prevent hardening of the arteries, which lowers risk of heart attack and stroke. However, these studies were done with oils that were pure MCT and not with coconut oil, which is only partially MCT.

According to Majumdar, there's controversy over whether coconut oil behaves like a medium- or long-chain triglyceride. This distinction could be something of a moot point, however, since the body doesn't process coconut oil the way it would other oils containing MCTs, she notes. "What we do know is coconut oil is majority composed of a fatty acid called lauric acid, which contributes to both elevated HDL (the 'good' cholesterol) and elevated LDL (the 'bad' cholesterol) and is therefore not a great idea for anyone battling high cholesterol or with a family history of heart disease."

Majumdar, like most nutritionists, urges people to limit their daily saturated fats to 7 to 10 percent of the overall 20 to 35 percent calories from fat allowed per day. Not surprisingly, it doesn't take much coconut oil to hit that marker. (Majumdar notes coconut is more like butter, calorie- and fat-wise.)

Instead of using coconut oil, look to fats likecanola或者olive oil。一汤匙的低芥酸菜籽油具有1克饱和脂肪或RDA的5%,而一汤匙橄榄油含有2克饱和脂肪或RDA的9%。

As to whether Majumdar agrees with the Harvard professor who vilified coconut oil, "I can't think of a food I would call poison," she says. "There's no food I'd want people to be afraid of, but I wouldn't put coconut oil in the healthy corner. I don't have it in my house."


Originally Published: Sep 10, 2018

Coconut Oil FAQ

Is coconut oil good for your skin?
Is it good to eat coconut oil?
There's a lot of confusion within the scientific community on whether coconut oil is as healthy as it was touted as a few years ago. Most nutritionists and doctors advise people to limit their daily saturated fats (which is what coconut oil is) to 7 to 10 percent of the overall 20 to 35 percent calories from fat permitted per day.
Is coconut oil good for hair?
Yes. Coconut can be applied as a deep conditioning hair mask, to add shine, decrease frizz, and lower the level of yeast that encourages the flaking and itching associated with dandruff.
Is coconut oil healthier than olive oil?
Is it good to drink coconut oil?
Coconut oil is OK in small amounts, but you should not eat or drink large quantities or consume it every day since it's very high in saturated fat — 13 grams per tablespoon!


