
经过:帕特里克·基格(Patrick J. Kiger)|
莎拉·赫卡比·桑德斯(Sarah Huckabee Sanders)在白宫新闻发布会“width=
白宫新闻秘书莎拉·哈卡比·桑德斯(Sarah Huckabee Sanders)在2017年7月26日在华盛顿特区的白宫每日新闻发布会上对媒体进行了交谈。桑德斯的继任者斯蒂芬妮·格里森(Stephanie Grisham)在出版时尚未举行新闻发布会。马克·威尔逊/盖蒂图像

2020年1月,畅销小说家斯蒂芬·金(Stephen King)和唐·温斯洛(Don Winslow)去了Twitter做出令人惊讶的誓言。如果唐纳德·特朗普总统的新闻秘书斯蒂芬妮·格里舍姆(Stephanie Grisham)同意向整个白宫提问,他们提出向慈善机构捐款200,000美元在白宫的军团一小时按简报房间。




至少目前,特朗普政府放弃了白宫新闻界的日期可以追溯到1800年代后期的重要组成部分,直到白宫新闻秘书的正式职位甚至存在。那是什么时候总统威廉·麦金莱(William McKinley)在白宫为记者建立工作空间,并派遣他的第一任私人秘书约翰·艾迪生·波特(John Addison Porter)给记者给记者白宫历史协会笔记是“或多或少的定期简报”。

白宫媒体简报逐渐演变为正式活动。From the time of President Herbert Hoover in the late 1920s and early 1930s to Lyndon Johnson’s tenure in the mid-to-late 1960s, White House press secretaries held twice-a day briefing sessions in their own offices, according to Martha Joynt Kumar’s book "Managing the President’s Message: The White House Communications Operation." Richard Nixon, though no fan of the press, still thought the briefings were important enough that he had a swimming pool torn out so that he could convert the space into a meeting room for briefings. That area is now known as the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room, in honor of President Ronald Reagan’s press secretary, who was seriously wounded during the attempt on Reagan’s life in 1981.


比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)在1990年代在白宫的时间里,新闻秘书迈克·麦考里(Mike McCurry)决定允许每日新闻发布会成为电视转播。这种做法一直持续到特朗普白宫开始除非相机从2017年的简报中,在完全终止它们之前。


“我认为简报由于多种原因很有用,”前CNN白宫通讯员丹·洛锡安(Dan Lothian)在一封电子邮件中解释说,他们花了五年的时间涵盖了布什和奥巴马政府。“首先,这是一个机会,可以在相机上获得WH回应或思考问题,而不是书面陈述。它使我们能够围绕他们可能试图避免的问题将他们束缚。向他们展示他们躲闪答案有时是新闻。简报还记录了以后比较的陈述。最后,时不时会出现新闻,并且在乌萨马·本·拉登(Osama bin Laden)被抓到很多细节之后发生的那样(即使某些人没有发现,也没有是真实的)。”

洛锡安(Lothian)接着发现了很少的公园媒体,并成为东北大学新闻学院的来访学者,他回忆说,简报的格式相当不变。“There was a certain order to who got called on. Briefings always started with The Associated Press and ended with a ‘thank you’ from The Associated Press. Once in a while the press secretary would mix it up a bit, but it usually happened around the same time each day and questions from the first two rows came in order."


“虽然总统及其代表经常在白宫草坪等非正式环境中提供自己的服务,但与新闻发布会不同,”汤姆·琼斯(Tom Jones)解释说。Poynter学院,新闻教育组织,在电子邮件采访中。

他说:“在旋转直升机的声音下大声疾呼问题的格式不利于提出复杂的政策问题,也不有利于相关的后续问题。”“The frenzied free-for-all of these much-too-brief informal interviews make it much harder to get into the topics that require nuance and specifics. It’s so much easier for the president to brush aside or ignore questions he doesn’t like when he’s walking along the White House grounds. When he or one of his representatives are standing behind a podium in a controlled setting, they must face the questions that require long, substantive answers as opposed to the one or two short sentences that suffice in those informal settings."






