
经过:Julia Layton
Steve Debenport/the Agency Collection/盖蒂图像


At this age, typically 8 years old, they're coming into their own in academics, physical ability and society. Yes, third grade has a society. It's often the start of the more complex social structure that will follow your child to the end of school (at least). Academically, this year sees such iconic grade-school projects as memorizingstate capitals, writing book reports and the baking-soda-and-vinegarvolcano那弄乱了你的厨房。


科学,math,, writing, social development -- it's all changing this year, again, and maybe even more than it did insecond grade[source:Family Education]。在这里,您的孩子在三年级的过程中会发现五种最令人惊奇的事情。对于初学者来说,事实证明加法和减法是冰山一角...

5:您可以繁殖 - 分开!

Insecond grade,学生开始对乘法和划分作为概念发展理解。今年,他们正在学习如何繁殖和分裂。

三年级是越来越复杂的数学的设置,这些操作占据了中心舞台。其中一些新math将被记住(这本身可能是一种新实践):您将收听至少12 x 12的乘法表朗诵[来源:女士家庭日报]。但是,您的三年级学生也将使用今年第一次遇到的流程进行一些严肃的数学方程式。教师通常希望他们的学生学会将双位数字乘以单位数字,并划分相同,并开始使用相关概念(例如分数和小数)。


So by the end of the year, your baby might be helping you calculate the tip. And that's just the beginning. In language, too, your child may encounter some concepts that are, for the most part, truly new.

4: Words Have Names!

When your child enters third grade, "writing" takes on new meaning. Last year, it was basically the process of forming letters and words and putting them together to convey an idea. This year,writing获得语法。

Your child will be introduced to the complicated world of parts-of-speech and sentence structure, which means both reading and writing will become far more technical, requiring a deeper understanding of language and its patterns and uses.


Words become "verbs," "nouns," "adjectives" and "articles." Words or groups of words can be "subjects" or "predicates." Sometimes, sentences are "transitions." Writing can be "informative" or "persuasive;" it can be composed of "paragraphs," and it often ends with a "clincher."

This will likely be your child's first experience with this type of technical grammar and language instruction. Some pick it up quickly, while others take a while to catch on. Either way, your third-grader will finish this year with a dramatically increased sense of the structures and patterns underlying the language they've been speaking for so many years.




Up to now, science class participation has mostly been listening and looking. In third grade, science gets very hands-on, and your child may discover he or she is all about experimenting.

Third graders will conduct simple experiments independently and in groups, and will participate in teacher-guided complex ones. Less hands-on but nearly as exciting, your child will be exploring in some deep space, geology, climate, life cycles of plants and animals, and other topics that can open young minds to the incredible workings of the world around them.


Space, in particular, can become quite a focus. Around this age, lots of kids decide to become宇航员当他们长大时,与空间有关的事情可能是科学项目的首选主题。您甚至可能开始听到有关太空营的消息(是的,这是一件真实的事情!),您的孩子几乎足够大了。(看太空营的运作方式了解它。)



Blend Images/Ariel Skelley/the Agency Collection盖蒂图像


In third grade, things get more interpretative. Your child will be encouraged to use a lot more reasoning, perspective and analysis. Inmath,您的孩子会被要求解释结果,而不仅仅是阅读它们:此图告诉您有关得分点的信息?当她摔下自行车时,您认为主角的头部如何?如果有生物生活在月球上,它们会是什么样,为什么?



And finally, another eye-opener that will change how your child experiences life and knowledge.

1: The Web Can Tell You Stuff!


No longer just an instrument of fun and imagery, the Internet will become a place for research -- for finding answers to any questions you have. Third graders will learnhow to efficiently use search enginesand how to determine which Web sites are credible sources of information and which aren't. They'll use online resources for research projects. Some might even learn to type.


Your third grader will experience technology as "information technology," opening up a whole new world of access to knowledge. It might make you seem a bit less all-knowing, but the ability to find answers independently is a priceless one that will affect how your child learns, works and experiences the world for the rest of his or her life.

谁知道,您的三年级生可能最终会教您一两件事,因为这些课程每天都会以作业形式回家 - 今年每晚约30分钟。因此,清理厨房桌子,请记住:帮助,不要做!


Lots More Information


Third grade is an academically challenging year, and my research revealed a trend toward even greater challenges of late. Perhaps in response to high-pressure government standards, some elementary schools have been assigning a lot more homework (and some are assigning none at all -- but that's less common). There have been reports of young students coming home with hours of work to do, and while I only touched on this briefly in one of the back-to-school articles, it's worth looking into further if your child's homework level seems extreme, as many education experts recommend against the trend.


  • 学习指南:三年级。女士家杂志。(2012年6月26日)http://www.lhj.com/relationships/family/school/learning-guide-third-grade/
  • 三年级:他们会学到什么?家庭教育。(2012年6月26日)http://school.familyeducation.com/elementary-school/assessment/56219.html
  • 准备三年级。学术父母。(2012年6月26日)http://www.scholastic.com/resources/article/preparing-for-3rd-grade/
  • 从今年秋天开始,学校不再需要教书。FOX59。2011年6月30日。(2012年6月28日)http://www.fox59.com/news/wxin-cursive-writing-schools-no-longer-required-to-teach-cursive-cursive-beginning-this-fall-20110630,0,7533627.Story

