

In some ways, banks and credit unions are similar; however, they are structured very differently.
In some ways, banks and credit unions are similar; however, they are structured very differently.
Keith Brofsky/Photodisc/Thinkstock

From the outside,banks信用社看起来很相似。他们都提供支票和储蓄帐户,CD和专业帐户等金融产品以及我们所期望的其余服务。您可以穿过柜员窗户或停在分支机构,存放支票或提取钱,并偶尔与人员见面以讨论您的财务需求。大多数银行和信用合作社的菜单上,ATM,借记卡,贷款和抵押都在菜单上。您给他们您的钱,然后他们还给他们。正确的?

But under the surface, the two types of financial institutions couldn't be more different. You may have noticed how excited and involved credit union (CU) members tend to be with their institutions, or the reputation CUs have for being small, regional or community-oriented. Perhaps you've heard about the intense lobbying the banking industry regularly levels against credit unions and wondered why it's so aggressive.


当然,这两个操作都有好处和成本。但是,了解信用合作社的运作方式 - 以及使它们与银行区分开来的方式,可以对我们在这个国家处理金钱的方式有一些有趣的见解。我们大多数人都不会使用金融机构提供的机会的一半,因为对这些事情做出决定可能是如此不知所措。对于我们许多人来说,这很难确保我们的支票不会在月底弹跳!

In this article, we'll look at the basic business structure of banks and credit unions, the reason they do the things they do and the ways we use their services. Read on to learn how to choose between the two!



Fundamentally, a bank is a business that holds onto your对于您来说,并利用它通过投资这笔钱或向其他客户借出钱来创造利润。我们知道,大多数银行业务都可以追溯到古代。世界上最古老的银行是意大利的蒙特·德·帕斯迪·迪·西耶纳(Monte dei Paschi di Siena),该银行自1472年以来一直在不断运作。

When you make a deposit or buy a savings product, you're essentially loaning money to the bank. It pays you back in兴趣对于这笔贷款,但利率可能会因银行和您投入资金的方式而有很大的不同。银行然后将钱借给其他客户并投资,这就是他们赚钱的方式。(嗯,那和您的ATM费用!)



Advertising, lobbying and risk assessment are the key expenditures banks must pay in order to stay on top of the competition. Advertising, of course, is essential to making us believe one particular bank is the best so that we will loan that bank our money. Lobbying, to make sure that governmental regulations don't harm their profit margin or executive salaries, may mean a more competitive and innovative business environment. And risk assessment is the science of making sure that a bank's loans and investments don't turn around on them and harm the bottom line.




虽然您在信用合作社may be nearly the same as at a bank, the structure and reasoning behind the scenes couldn't be more different. Some of the small details -- calling a checking account a "share draft" or customers "members" -- can be confusing, but the story with credit unions goes much deeper than that.

America's first credit union was founded in Manchester, N.H., in 1908. In that year, Congress passed the Federal Credit Union Act to help create credit unions all over the U.S. All credit unions' membership is restricted to a certain group -- members of an industry, a region or other category -- but the wide array and variety of them makes it easy to find a credit union to join.




Of course, all that good news comes with a few drawbacks. Because of the small, local nature of the credit union and its concentration on your community, it can be hard to get your money without visiting a branch. Traveling and even usingATMsaround town can mean major fees. Depending on the credit union, new trends and services -- like online banking and bill pay, or even debit cards -- may become available much more slowly.



Bank or Credit Union?

While the differences betweenbanks信用社很大,我们的日常经历通常是相似的。尽管许多人对大银行及其公司利益失去了信心,但信用合作社通常无法在技术,速度或便利性方面进行比较。那么您如何选择?

Remember that all of these institutions are offering a service. Your needs should come first and foremost in making this decision, and you should feel comfortable making a change at any time to fit your needs. Best of all, you can always choose to split your accounts between multiple institutions.




Overall, the main question you should ask is what your current needs are. Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Many of us are, and for that reason, it could make more sense to simplify and go with a large bank that can quickly respond to your needs. If you're trying to keep up with your savings -- as we all should be -- it may make more sense to "pay yourself first" by using a share account that's not as easy to get to. But if your income is stable and your spending doesn't really fluctuate from month to month, a credit union is your best option for watching your balance continue to grow.


Lots More Information


  • Bankrate.com。“ Bankrate的2010年检查研究。”2010年10月25日。(2010年12月8日)http://www.bankrate.com/finance/checking/bankrate-s-2010-checking-study.aspx
  • Boland,文森特。“对于世界上最古老的银行来说,现代困境。”金融时报。2009年6月12日。(2010年12月9日)http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/a034542e-5771-11de-8c47-0014444feabdc0.html#axzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzelykkkk
  • Dash, Eric. "Federal Report Faults Banks on Huge Bonuses." The New York Times. Jul. 22, 2010. (Dec. 8, 2010)http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/23/business/23pay.html
  • Lagorio, Christine. "How to Choose the Right Bank for Your Small Business." Inc. Mar. 26, 2010. (Dec. 8, 2010)http://www.inc.com/guides/choosing-the-right-bank-for-business.html
  • 利奇布劳,埃里克。“立法者规范银行,然后涌向他们。”纽约时报。2010年4月13日。(2010年12月8日)http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/14/14/business/14lobby.html
  • The Motley Fool. "Introduction to Banking." (Dec. 8, 2010)http://www.fool.com/money/banking/banking.htm
  • Ribeiro,Ana Gonzalez。“银行还是信用合作社?你决定。”mint.com。2010年9月2日。(2010年12月8日)http://www.mint.com/blog/how-to/bank-or-credit-union-09022010
  • 罗斯(J.D.),“问读者:在信贷危机期间选择银行?”慢慢致富。2008年10月3日。(2010年12月9日)http://www.getrichslowly.org/blog/2008/2008/10/10/03/ask-theers-choosing-choosing-abank-a-bank-bank-during-the-credit-credit-crisit-crisis-crisis-
  • St. Mary's Bank. "Celebrating 100 Years." 2007. (Dec. 8, 2010)http://www.stmarysbank.com/100years/Timeline.aspx
  • 故事,路易丝和埃里克·达什。“银行为大奖金和公共愤怒做准备。”纽约时报。2010年1月9日。(2010年12月8日)http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/01/10/business/10pay.html
  • 威尔逊(Wilson),梅根(Megan R.opensecrets.org。2010年12月8日。(2010年12月9日)http://www.opensecrets.org/news/2010/12/bank-of-----------------------------


