
塞思·乔尔(Seth Joel/Photodisc)/盖蒂图像

Nobody ever expects a home accident to happen, but a slip down the stairs or a kitchen grease fire can happen in the blink of an eye -- even with careful homeowners. In England alone in 2007, nearly 2.7 million people were injured in a home accident [source: RoSPA]. In the United States, injury is the leading cause of death among children and young adults and nearly half of these accidents occur in the home, according to the National Safety Council. That same group states that in 2002, there were more than 33,000 deaths and 8,000,000 disabling injuries that occurred in the home [source:NSC]。这使每16分钟一次死亡,每四秒钟一次致残家庭受伤。当涉及到家庭事故中的受伤和死亡时,主要的罪魁祸首是跌倒,毒素和窒息的物体或烟雾吸入。中毒是死亡的第一原因,仅在2002年就夺走了12,500人的生命[来源:资料来源:NSC]。

This probably causes you to glance around your house, wondering just what might kill you or injure you. If you don't have a carbon monoxide detector and you have a leaky hot water heater, the "silent killer" could take you out. A small kink in the carpet on your top stair could do it, too. A slippery bathtub, kitchen grease fire or absentminded reach into the garbage disposal could cause you some major problems. So could that dull kitchen knife, the pot of boiling water on the stovetop and the sharp corner of your living room coffee table. Scared yet?



Kitchen Dangers

Each year in the United States alone, more than 100,000 people go to the hospital emergency room due to a scalding injury. These burns are attributed to both the kitchen and the bath. Hot water alone causes 3,800 injuries and 34 deaths each year in the United States [source:Burn Injury Online]。水在212华氏度(100摄氏度)时沸腾;与150华氏度(65.5摄氏度)的水接触仅需一秒钟以上的皮肤接触即可引起三度燃烧。



Modern gas ranges are a little safer than they were in the old days, but it's still possible for loose sleeves and long hair to go up in smoke. A glass casserole dish left on top of a range burner can explode, sending shards of glass in every direction. Harmful cleaning products under the sink can also be a great danger to children, so it's important to always put child safety latches on every accessible cabinet door.

These are all visible killers, but there are also some invisible killers that lurk in your kitchen -- bacteria. Everyone knows that handling raw poultry is serious business and requires cleaning every surface and utensil it's come into contact with. You also probably know about cross-contamination by letting that raw chicken breast come into contact with the salad veggies. What you might not realize is just how much bacteria can be elsewhere in your kitchen. A study conducted by environmental scientists in six countries found that 90 percent of all kitchen cloths failed the test for cleanliness. Kitchen sinks failed at a rate of 46 percent [source: ecology.com].

Sponges are also notorious for soaking up bacteria, which you then spread over anything you wipe with a sponge. E-coli and salmonella are both highly prevalent and neither is necessarily born in the kitchen. They can be brought into your home on pets, by your kids and on the food you buy in the grocery store. You'll most likely just have some nasty stomach issues or a flulike infection with this kind of bacterial exposure, but it can be serious for children, the elderly and pregnant women.


Bathroom Dangers

塞思·乔尔(Seth Joel/Photodisc)/盖蒂图像

Bathrooms are also notoriously dangerous. First, there are sharp objects like razors, scissors, tweezers and nail files in use. Slips and falls are one of the leading causes of accidental deaths in the United States, and bathrooms are enemy No. 1 due to the water involved in bathing and sink use.

另一个危险是许多药物和处方药经常被保存在浴室中。这主要是小孩的问题,小孩子很容易投入任何可以伸入嘴里的东西。切勿在孩子可以到达的地方留下任何药物。也要警惕维生素;它们通常看起来像糖果,可能对儿童有毒。但是您不必是个孩子就可以犯错。在美国,滥用处方药的占每年近150万中毒[来源:父母身份]。Just like with kitchen accidents, absentmindedness plays a part and you can easily accidentally mix the wrong medications and ingest a dangerous drug cocktail.


浴室清洁产品也可能构成危险。漂白剂和氨都在普通清洁剂清单上,如果混合在一起,它们会产生致命的气体。他们还可以自己刺激皮肤和眼睛。您的浴室壁橱里可能有一个重型排水清洁器,以解开顽固的水槽。该清洁剂在各个方面都是重型的 - 有些含有盐酸作为活性成分。其他人则使用次氯酸钠(通常称为漂白剂),并且都可以在接触时燃烧皮肤。即使您已经插入的空气清新剂也可能含有苯酚或甲醛。重剂量的苯酚会导致抽搐,呼吸道问题甚至死亡,甲醛是已知的致癌物。通过不保留任何将这些产品存放在您的浴室中,甚至更好 - 改用安全,纯天然的清洁产品,避免发生事故。




Lots More Information



  • “事故统计。”lpch.org,2009年。http://www.lpch.org/diseasehxf187手机版ealthinfo/healthlibrary/poison/stats.html
  • 菲茨杰拉德(Fitzgerald)编辑。“厨房安全” Ecology.com,2008年7月16日。http://ecology.com/ecology-today/2008/07/16/kitchen-safety/
  • “哈塞尔霍夫受伤了。”sfgate.com,2006.http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/dailydish/detail?blogid = 7&entry_id = 6665
  • "How to Make Your Bathroom Safe for Everyone." parenthood.com, 2009. http://www.parenthood.com/article-topics/how_to_make_your_bathroom_safe_for_everyone.html
  • “如何预防和治疗在家事故。”MedicalNewstoday.com,2005年6月19日。
  • “霉菌和室内空气质量。”Bre.umd.edu,3月 - 四月,2001年。http://www.bre.umd.edu/agtopics/topics-marapr-21.html
  • 彭宁顿,休。“潜伏在厨房里的危险。”bbc.co.uk,2008年11月18日。xf187手机版
  • “让家庭安全工作:如何在社区中实施家庭安全计划。”家庭安全委员会,2008年。http://www.homesafetycouncil.org/homesafetymonth/hsm_webinar_p002.pdf
  • "RoSPA General Accident Statistics." rospa.com, 2007. http://www.rospa.com/factsheets/general_accidents.pdf
  • "Scalding / Water Burns." burninjuryonline.com, 2009. http://www.burninjuryonline.com/CM/Custom/SCALDING-INJURIES.asp
  • “滑倒:对原因和预防的评估。”ISSA.com,2009年。http://www.issa.com/data/file/regulatory/bohm%203.pdf
  • "What should I do to make my home as safe as possible for my child?" womenrepublic.co.uk, 2009. http://www.womenrepublic.co.uk/family_pregnancy/home_safe/

