
©2007 Publications International, Ltd.发烧实际上表明您的身体正在与感染作斗争。





Well, now you know where fevers come from. The next thing you need to know is how to take an accurate temperature. We have suggestions for choosing the best thermometer, as well as some helpful home remedies, in the next section.

For more information on conditions commonly associated with fever, try the following links:

  • To see all of our home remedies and the conditions they treat, go to our main家庭疗法页。
  • 发烧是身体抗击疾病的重要方面。草药发烧实际上不会帮助您抗击发烧,而是帮助发烧的过程。
  • 找出如何预防呼吸道感染并保持健康。xf187手机版
  • 了解如何预防流感, and keep your immune system strong.
  • 阅读很棒的信息流感的家庭疗法, and get great ideas on helping yourself heal.




©2007 Publications International, Ltd.如果您发烧,这很重要 保持水分。


Don't force yourself under cover.Shivers are your body's way of creating heat to boost your temperature, so if your teeth are chattering or you feel chilled, by all means, cover up to make yourself more comfortable. However, once your fever is established and you start feeling hot, bundling yourself in bed under a pile of blankets will only hold the heat in and likely make you feel worse. You can't "sweat out a fever," or get a fever to break by forcing your body temperature up even higher. So if you feel as though you're burning up, toss off those covers or use a single, light sheet.


脱衣服。With your body exposed as much as possible, your sweat glands will be better able to release moisture, which will make you feel more comfortable. Strip down to your skivvies -- that means a diaper for an infant and underpants and thin undershirt for an older child or adult.

蘸。Sponge yourself with tepid water or, better yet, sit in a tub of coolish water (definitely not ice cold water, which can induce shock) for half an hour. If you put a feverish child in a tub or sink of water, be sure to hold the child. Don't apply an alcohol rub, because it can be absorbed into the skin and cause alcohol poisoning.

Sip.Fever, especially if it is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, can lead to fluid loss and an electrolyte imbalance, so it's important to keep drinking. Cool water is best, but unsweetened juices are okay if that's what tastes good. Getting a child to drink plenty of water is sometimes difficult, so try Popsicles or flavored ices that are made primarily of water.



让它运行。Bear in mind that antipyretics are designed to make you (or yours) feel more comfortable during the course of a fever. The fact is, however, that fever may do an ailing body some good by making it less hospitable to the infecting organism, so you may want to let it run its course rather than rushing to bring it down with medications.


For more information on conditions commonly associated with fever, try the following links:

  • To see all of our home remedies and the conditions they treat, go to our main家庭疗法页。
  • 发烧是身体抗击疾病的重要方面。草药发烧实际上不会帮助您抗击发烧,而是帮助发烧的过程。
  • 找出如何预防呼吸道感染并保持健康。xf187手机版
  • 了解如何预防流感, and keep your immune system strong.
  • 阅读很棒的信息流感的家庭疗法, and get great ideas on helping yourself heal.




©2007 Publications International, Ltd.This delicous summer treat helps reduce fevers.



Cream of tartar.尝试这种发烧茶。结合1 1/2茶匙牙垢奶油,1/2茶匙柠檬汁,2 1/2杯温水和1/2茶匙蜂蜜。一次喝4至6盎司。


菠萝。Fresh is best. It's one of nature's anti-inflammatory agents that can fight fever. Pineapple is also packed with juice that can prevent dehydration.

葡萄干。Put 3/4 cup chopped raisins in 7 1/2 cups water. Bring to a boil, then simmer until the water has been reduced by one-third. Drink a little of this several times a day to keep yourself hydrated during a fever.

家庭疗法from the Freezer

冰棒。These can reduce the risk of dehydration. Fruit juice bars are good, too. This can be an especially handy way to keep fluids in small children.


苹果水。It tastes good, relieves the miseries of fever, and keeps the body hydrated. To make it, peel, skin, core, and slice 3 sweet apples. Put them in a pan with 3 3/4 cups water. Bring to a boil, then simmer until the apples are barely mushy. Remove, strain without pressing apple puree into the liquid, and add 2 tablespoons honey. Drink and enjoy.

黑莓醋。这是一个狂热的长生不老药,但需要几天的时间准备。将苹果醋倒超过一两磅的黑莓,然后盖住容器,然后将其存放在一个凉爽的黑暗地方,持续三天。过滤一天,因为所有液体从浆果中排出并收集液体需要花费时间。然后将2杯糖加到每个2 1/2杯果汁中。煮沸,然后在脱离顶部的浮渣时煮5分钟。冷却并将其存放在凉爽的地方。将1茶匙与水混合以消除因发烧而引起的口渴。

果汁。It will replace the fluids lost through sweating. Lemonade is a good choice, too.

莴苣。Pour a pint of boiling water over an entire head of lettuce and let it steep, covered, for 15 minutes. Strain, sweeten the liquid to taste, and drink. In addition to keeping you hydrated, this lettuce infusion may help you sleep better.

家庭疗法from the Sink




牛至。A tea made from a mixture of some spice-rack staples can help reduce fever. Steep 1 teaspoon each of oregano and marjoram in a pint of boiling water for 30 minutes. Strain, and drink warm a couple times a day. Refrigerate unused portion until needed, then gently warm.


For more information on conditions commonly associated with fever, try the following links:

  • To see all of our home remedies and the conditions they treat, go to our main家庭疗法页。
  • 发烧是身体抗击疾病的重要方面。草药发烧实际上不会帮助您抗击发烧,而是帮助发烧的过程。
  • 找出如何预防呼吸道感染并保持健康。xf187手机版
  • 了解如何预防流感, and keep your immune system strong.
  • 阅读很棒的信息流感的家庭疗法, and get great ideas on helping yourself heal.


蒂莫西·高尔(Timothy Gower)是一位自由作家和编辑,其作品已经出现在许多出版物中,包括读者的消化,预防,男子健康,更好的房屋和花园,《纽约时报》和《洛杉矶时报》。xf187手机版Gower是《四本书》的作者,也是《健康杂志》的撰稿人。xf187手机版

Alice Lesch Kellyis a health writer based in Boston. Her work has been published in magazines such as Shape, Fit Pregnancy, Woman's Day, Reader's Digest, Eating Well, and Health. She is the co-author of three books on women's health.

Linnea Lundgren在报纸和杂志的研究,写作和编辑方面拥有超过12年的经验。她是四本书的作者,包括过敏症。

Michele Price Mann是一位自由作家,曾为诸如Watchers和Southern Living Magazines之类的出版物撰写。她的专业热情曾是《烹饪光》杂志的助理健xf187手机版康和健身编辑,正在学习和写作健康。


伊万·奥兰斯基(Ivan Oransky),医学博士, is the deputy editor of科学家。他是四本书的作者或合着者,包括《普通症状答案指南》,并为包括波士顿环球报,《柳叶刀》和《今日美国》等出版物撰写了著作。他任命医学临床助理教授和纽约大学新闻学兼职教授。

David J. Hufford, Ph.D.,是宾夕法尼亚州立大学医学院的大学教授兼医学人文学系主席。他还是神经和行为科学以及家庭和社区医学系的教授。Hufford博士在几个期刊的编辑委员会中任职,包括健康与医学和探索方面的替代疗法。xf187手机版




