10 Funny Intramural Team Names

经过:Bambi Turner





American comedy duo Bud Abbott and Lou Costello performing their famous "Who's On First" routine for a 1947 NBC radio broadcast.
美国喜剧二人组Bud Abbott和Lou Costello在1947年的NBC广播广播中表演了他们著名的“首次例行”。
Gene Lester/盖蒂图像

很难想象比结合啤酒和运动的大学体验更典型的大学经历。当然,许多学校在包括壁内在内的所有体育赛事中都严格禁止酒精,但这并不能阻止学生转向啤酒作为团队名称灵感的来源。首先喝酒是踢球,棒球或垒球队的完美名称。布朗大学的壁内垒球队,佛罗里达州沿海学院的踢球小队以及全国无数其他球队使用了这个名字以及First Brews等变种。除了明显的敬意之外,这个名字还向雅培和科斯特洛经典喜剧团队致敬,他的1930年代首先是他的1930年代?在首次引入80年后,常规仍然是流行文化试金石兴发登录m xf839 com。



对于最终的壁上足球队名称,大学生经常从世界上最伟大的足球队之一皇家马德里汲取灵感。长期以来,西班牙的皇家马德里一直是地球上最成功和最大的足球之一(足球在美国以外的足球)。田纳西州范德比尔特大学(Vanderbilt University)到加拿大滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)的团队以假马德里的名义参加了比赛,这是对伟人的讽刺敬意。这个名字不仅可以立即被识别,而且还肯定会从人群中笑出来,甚至可以让玩家稍微淡化那种皇家马德里魔术。

One caveat, though:真实的is actually a Spanish term meaning royal, and it has nothing to do with authenticity. For teams not overly familiar with the game of soccer or the Spanish language, the joke just may be on the players themselves.


8: Heads In the Sand

While many players and fans take college sports incredibly seriously, intramurals are often all about having a good time. These recreational leagues attract players of all skill levels and abilities, and many are all-too-willing to poke fun at themselves when it comes to their team name of choice. Heads in the Sand serves as the perfect name for volleyball teams focused on the fun and casual spirit of the game, rather than on the win. While teams at the University of Florida claimed this name in 2010, numerous other teams have also used Heads on the Sand or similar variations. Some even give the name an ironic twist and choose it for court volleyball intramural leagues, in addition to games played on sand courts.



The University of North Carolina School of the Arts maintains an all-intramural sports league where all teams share the same name -- The Fighting Pickles. Perhaps even more amusing than the name itself is the team's mascot, which embraces the school's artistic spirit with its skirt made of piano keys, artist's beret and paint palette in hand. And yes, it's a pickle.

尽管它是荒谬的,或者也许是因为它,但UNC与腌菜的艺术学院在2011年的民意调查中被读者的文摘(Reader's Digest)评为美国第二受喜爱的大学吉祥物,仅在马萨诸塞州威廉姆斯学院的紫色牛而已。


6: Scared Hitless

害怕无命中serves as the perfect tongue-in-cheek name for the team that can't score and is proud of it. Not only is it a clever and politically correct alternative to the more controversial team names, but it also emphasizes a sense of fun and spirit rather than cockiness or competition. This name works great for baseball and softball teams and has been used in intramural leagues at Texas Tech, the University of Wisconsin and the University of Florida.



很难想象,一部关于印度贫民窟的奥斯卡奖电影可以转变为美国篮球队的一个有趣的内在名称,但这种不太可能的联系起作用。根据ESPN的说法,该名称贫民窟的扣篮百万富翁起源于2009年的巴黎圣母院五对篮球联赛,此后无数其他团队使用该名称的变化。一个受欢迎的版本Slam Dunk Millionaire是大满贯或罚球比赛的流行团队名称,尽管许多标准的壁内篮球队也使用它,包括2010年爱荷华大学女子冠军。


4: Volley Lamas

对于寻找一个更高的团队名称的团队来说,Alley Lamas可能是完美的解决方案。它是不受性,酒水或亵渎启发的壁内团队名称之一,它是2011年新泽西州室内室内冠军的团队名称,以及许多其他校内大学冠军。鉴于许多壁内团队需要他们可以在法庭上获得的所有帮助,为什么不利用这个名字来汲取灵感的精神力量,从佛教领袖达赖喇嘛呢?


3: Vandelay Industries

主修业务的学生自然可能会吸引Vandelay Industries的名字。这个名字来自经典的喜剧电视连续剧《塞恩菲尔德》,当时乔治·科斯坦扎(George Costanza)终于放弃了他虚构的建筑生涯,并转向了进出口世界,以打动另一个女人。该系列的粉丝为各种运动中的壁内球队选择了这个名字,包括踢球,排球和垒球,这似乎为迈阿密大学的校内踢球队带来了好运,他们连续三年使用此名称赢得了最高奖项。






We wonder how Descartes would feel about this team name's play on his famous words.
We wonder how Descartes would feel about this team name's play on his famous words.
Hulton Archive/imagno/盖蒂图像

偏爱运动的团队会稍作哲学上的转折,这将欣赏我认为我的名字背后的天才。这个团队的名字从16世纪的哲学家和数学家雷内·笛卡尔(Rene Descartes)中汲取了灵感,他可能以其生存的行列“我认为,所以我是”而闻名。篮球队可能会选择此名称作为传统毛利球队名称的经典替代品,或者只是为了吹嘘他们的最高扣篮技巧。圣塔克拉拉大学壁内B球团队声称此名称为此,尽管其他学校也使用了它。

Lots More Information



  • Abbot and Costello. "Abbott and Costello Biography." (Aug. 5, 2011) http://www.abbottandcostello.net/nw_biog.asp
  • Boston Phoenix. "College Quidditch." The Best of Boston 2011. (July 28, 2011) http://thephoenix.com/thebest/boston/2011/life/weirdsportsleague/
  • Galindo, Brittany. "Student Named Sports Trivia Contest Winner Two Years In a Row." Daily Barometer. June 8, 2011. (July 29, 2011) http://www.dailybarometer.com/news/student-named-sports-trivia-contest-winner-2-years-in-a-row-1.2385891
  • 尼尔森,埃里克。“ SCU最好,最糟糕的壁内团队名称。”圣克拉拉。2011年5月6日。(2011年7月29日)http://www.thesantaclara.com/sports/scu-sports/scu-sbest-and-worst-intramural-intramural-team-names-names-1.2222419
  • O'Toole,Thomas和Wieberg,Steve。“其他学校旨在吸引印度名字。”今日美国。2005年8月23日。(2011年7月28日)http://www.usatoday.com/sports/college/2005-08-23-mascot-appeals_x.htm
  • Ostiller, Nick. "Intramural Teams to Start Playoffs." The Santa Clara. May 19, 2011. (July 28, 2011) http://www.thesantaclara.com/sports/intramural-teams-to-start-playoffs-1.2230967
  • Reilly, Rick. "That Would Make An Excellent Team Name." ESPN. March 27, 2010. (July 29, 2011) http://sports.espn.go.com/espnmag/package?id=3835199
  • Sebert, Ethan. "UISSC and Ole School to Battle in All-U Final." The Daily Iowan. April 7, 2010. (July 28, 2011) http://www.dailyiowan.com/2010/04/07/Sports/16581.html
  • Sentel, Chris. "Deming Wins Free Throw Competition." Den News. Jan. 25, 2007. (July 28, 2011) http://media.www.dennews.com/media/storage/paper309/news/2007/01/25/Sports/Deming.Wins.Free.Throw.Competition-2675959.shtml
  • 国家,莎拉。“鹈鹕骄傲可以承受时间的考验。”加尔文学院的钟声。2008年2月29日。(2011年7月28日)http://clubs.calvin.edu/chimes/article.php?id=3493
  • University of North Carolina School of the Arts. "UNCSA'S Fighting Pickle Named Second Most Loved College Mascot in Nation." April 15, 2011. (July 28, 2011) http://www.uncsa.edu/pressreleases/Releases2011/Apr11/Pickle.htm

