View the Incredible Winners of the Slow Motion Video Awards

"Senko-hanabi as Dancing Drops" won the science award at the Slow Motion Video Awards.Chihiro Inoue/YouTube

Scientists and movie directors have long used slow-motion images to capture things that move too fast for the eye to see — or else just look beautiful at a slower speed. Now, with advances in camera technology — including smartphone cameras — anybody can create slow-motion video.

To recognize this art form — or is it science? — the Slow Motion Video Awards were presented early in November at theInternational Congress of High-Speed Imaging and Photonicsin Osaka, Japan.


People from all over the world entered videos between seven and 60 seconds in length and competed for prize money ranging from 200,000 Japanese yen (JPY) ($1,830) to 50,000 JPY ($457).

The big winner for "Excellence in Slow Motion Video" was "Supersonic Soda Jet." Filmed at 53,000 frames per second, it shows soda flowing from a horizontal bottle, looking almost like fire.

"Senko-hanabi as Dancing Drops," which translates to "Fireworks as Dancing Drops," received the science award. Shot at up to 100,000 frames per second, this one shows sparks from a firework looking like air bubbles.

"Shockwave Kaleidoscope," took home the artistic award while "Candle Experiment" and "Simultaneous Fall" won entertainment awards. A longer version of "Shockwave Kaleidoscope" can be seen below. The images were made by using optical equipment to capture a bullet's trajectory.



