How E-waste Works

By:Jessika Toothman

伦敦的Weee Man代表了英国普通居民一生中产生多少电子废物。该结构重3.3吨,高7米(23英尺)。“width=
伦敦的Weee Man代表了英国普通居民一生中产生多少电子废物。该结构重3.3吨,占7米 ((23 feet) tall.
Daniel Berehulak/ Getty Images Europe/盖蒂图像

Think back for a minute at the procession of电脑,,,,TVS,手机,,,,收音机,多年来,游戏机和音乐播放器已经通过您的手。那无尽的产品流呢vacuum cleaners,,,,微波,,,,hair dryers,,,,electric toothbrushes, alarm clocks, lamps, lawn mowers andsmoke detectors那已经进出了您的生活?



So what happens to all that e-waste? E-waste contains a bonanza of toxic and hazardous components that, for the most part, are currently being shunted into垃圾填埋场s。Much of the remaining portion is出口to developing nations, where many laborers, working under unsafe, unregulated conditions,回收this e-waste. The work these laborers do, while it does provide some raw materials that can be reused, comes with some serious consequences.

Workers in Lagos, Nigeria, unload imported TVs and PC monitors, most of which will be sent to the local dumps. From there, they will be scavenged for recycling and then burned. ­“width=
Workers in Lagos, Nigeria, unload imported TVs and PC monitors, most of which will be sent to the local dumps. From there, they will be scavenged for recycling and then burned.

At present, we're just beginning to realize how serious those consequences are. Long-term exposure to small doses of toxins is less understood than the effects of those toxins in larger doses. In all likelihood, it's dangerous to spend your days touching fragments of toxic metals like lead and mercury. Common sense implies that inhaling the fumes from flame-retardant chemicals and highly corrosive acids isn't a good idea. And dumping byproducts of this recycling process into drinking-water sources can't be good for anyone.




E-waste Dangers

A man in Guiyu, China, heats a combination of nitric and hydrochloric acid, while inhaling acid fumes, chlorine and sulfur dioxide, without respiratory protection. Leftover acids and sludge are dumped in the river.“width=
A man in Guiyu, China, heats a combination of nitric and hydrochloric acid, while inhaling acid fumes, chlorine and sulfur dioxide, without respiratory protection. Leftover acids and sludge are dumped in the river.
Photo courtesyBasel Action Network2001


但是,那些内部的机械器官如此有价值和有毒。一束重金属,半法和其他化合物潜伏在您看似无辜的一束笔记本电脑要么TV。E-waste dangers stem from ingredients such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, copper, beryllium, barium, chromium, nickel, zinc, silver and gold. Many of these elements are used in circuit boards and comprise electrical parts such as computer chips,监视器和wiring. Also, many electrical products include various flame-retardant chemicals that might pose potential health risks. To learn more about the dangers of a common toxic component like lead, readCRT为什么包含铅?


When these elements are safely encased in ourrefrigerators和笔记本电脑S,电子垃圾dangers aren't much of an issue. Problems can occur when devices break -- intentionally or accidentally. Then they can leak and contaminate their immediate environment, whether that's in a垃圾填埋场或在一个充满苦苦挣扎的劳动者的地区的街道上。随着时间的流逝,垃圾填埋场的电子废物的有毒化学物质会渗入地面(可能进入供水)或逃到大气中,影响附近社区的健康。xf187手机版正如我们在上一页上讨论的那样,陪审团仍处于这种电子废物污染的危险水平上,但是可以肯定地假设结果可能不好。

People are beginning to discuss the serious aspects of this pollution in terms of生物蓄积biomagnification。当人,植物和动物在其体内产生的有毒物质水平的速度比消除它们的速度快时,就会发生生物蓄积。当毒素水平在食物链中积聚时,就会发生生物磁化。例如,浮游生物可能会吸收低水平的汞。然后,吃大量浮游生物的捕捞剂量更大,不健康的剂量。xf187手机版当鸟类或人类吃汞污染的鱼时,问题仍在继续。

Researchers in the Dartmouth Toxic Metals Research Program have compiled a list of the effects that some of these toxins take on the human body. Keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list of all the suspected health effects of these metals. Also, this list mentions only some of the chemicals and compounds used in household products.

  • 砷可能会破坏细胞通信并干扰导致细胞生长的触发因素,可能导致心血管疾病,cancerdiabetesif someone is exposed in chronic, low doses.
  • 镉会影响身体代谢钙的能力,导致骨痛并严重减弱,脆弱的骨骼。
  • 铬会引起皮肤刺激和皮疹,并具有潜在的致癌性。
  • 铜会刺激喉咙和肺部,并影响肝脏,肾脏和其他身体系统。
  • 铅中毒会导致大量健康问题,包括认知和口头活动的损害。xf187手机版最终,铅暴露会导致瘫痪,昏迷和死亡。
  • Nickel is carcinogenic in large doses.
  • 白银可能不会伤害您,但要频繁地处理它,您可能会遇到一个案例argyria- 永久染色的蓝色灰色阴影的疾病。

[Source:Dartmouth Toxic Metals Research Program这是给予的

Now that we know about the dangerous parts lurking behind our computer screens and favorite electronics, let's focus on what's being done to address the issue of e-waste.


E-waste Regulations

Photo courtesyBasel Action Network2001


许多组织多年来都认识到电子废物危险的潜力。但是,这个问题最近在2002年媒体的最前沿,当时Basel Action Network's((禁止)纪录片“出口危害”已发布。禁令努力减少有害影响exporting e-waste和promotes sustainable solutions to worldwide waste issues. So-called recyclers and scrap brokers were buying e-waste from developed regions throughout the world and dumping it in developing nations. In some parts of these countries, people were dismantling electronics on street corners, instead of in回收设施。


Picture something like this: Mountains of discardedTVs and计算机监视器tower above the rutted streets of a low-income urban community. In order to make a living, hundreds of people work in the shadow of this heap of e-waste. Some people tend fires which burn and remove the plastic from copper wires, putting out billows of noxious smoke. Other workers swirl circuit boards in tubs of nitric and hydrochloric acid to release the solder and precious metals -- at the same time releasing gas that stings their eyes.Plasticchips, obtained from smashing devices like键盘和computer casings, are broken into tiny pieces and carefully sorted before they too are burned and melted together into a sellable chunk. And at the end of the day, all the byproducts that have no further useful purposes, like charred circuit boards and used acid compounds, usually are dumped in open fields and rivers or are burned.


For example, the European Union has a series of directives and regulations aimed to increase the recovery, reuse and recycling of e-waste and put the burden of recycling on the manufacturer. The hope is that this will decrease e-waste and e-waste exports, and encourage manufacturers to create new, greener products. Ideally, these products would be safer and easier to upgrade, fix and recycle. The EU has also increased the regulations on different substances common in e-waste, limited the use of these substances in member countries and banned the exportation of hazardous waste.





People in Encino, Calif., took advantage of the WorldFest 2006 Earth Day celebration by dropping off their old electronics for a local company to recycle.“width=
People in Encino, Calif., took advantage of the WorldFest 2006 Earth Day celebration by dropping off their old electronics for a local company to recycle.
Robyn Beck/AFP/盖蒂图像

Motivated to start sending your old electronic devices and electrical household products to a good home?

First, check to see if your device's manufacturer will take the product back.Take-back programsare slowly expanding, and many companies allow customers to return at least some computer models and equipment when they no longer want them. Apple, Dell, Hewlett Packard, Sony and Toshiba are some of the companies that take back some of your old electronic devices. You may be charged a small fee to return yourcomputer和,,,,as the saying goes, other rules and restrictions may apply. Some companies will take back any brand of electronics; others will accept their products only. From there, your e-waste may be completely回收d由制造商或翻新以备将来使用。



Don't let your storage closets and garages become electronic burial grounds. Visit the links on the next page for more information about e-waste and legitimate recycling.


Lots More Information

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  • “A Metals Primer." Dartmouth Toxic Metals Research Program. 10/19/2007. (5/21/2008)
  • 卡洛尔,克里斯。“高科技垃圾。”国家地理。1/2008。(5/20/2008)
  • Chopra, Anuj. "Developing countries are awash in e-waste." San Francisco Chronicle. 3/30/2007. (5/21/2008)
  • “欧洲议会的2002/96/EC指令以及2003年1月27日的废物电气和电子设备(WEEE)的理事会。”欧盟办公室杂志。2003年2月13日。(2008年5月21日)
  • Downing, Bob. "Recyclers bracing for deluge of devices: Switch to digital television e-scrap in Summit." Akron Beacon Journal. 2/21/2008. (5/21/2008)
  • Greenemeier,拉里。“法律无法跟上越来越多的电子侵蚀。”科学美国人。2007年11月29日。(2008年5月19日)
  • Greenemeier,拉里。“Trashed Tech: Where Do Old Cell Phones, TVs and PCs Go To Die." Scientific American. 11/29/2007. (5/19/2008)
  • Ladou, Joseph and Lovegrove, Sandra. "Export of Electronics Equipment Waste." International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 1/2008-3/2008. (5/21/2008)
  • “Management of Electronic Waste in the United States." Environmental Protection Agency. 11/2007. (5/20/2008)
  • Puckett,Jim等。“出口危害:亚洲的高科技垃圾。”巴塞尔行动网络。2002年2月25日。(2008年5月21日)
  • “Old Computers Are Not Deleted: The Electronics Recycling Process." San Mateo County, Calif. (5/21/2008)
  • “Recycling Your Computer: Which Computer Companies Will Take Your Old Computer?" Computer TakeBack Campaign. 3/16/2007. (5/21/2008) Using_Takeback_Programs_v9.pdf
  • Selin, Henrik and VanDeveer, Stacy. "Raising Global Standards." Environment. 12/2006. (5/20/2008)
  • 辛哈,萨蒂什。“数字革命的缺点:电子废物的问题。”有毒链接。(2008年5月21日)
  • Wang, Thanh. "E-waste recycling centers are hot spots for POPs." Environmental Science and Technology. 3/14/2007. (5/21/2008) tw_ewaste.html
  • “ Weee Man项目。”皇家鼓励艺术,制造和商业学会。2006年。(2008年5月20日)
  • “Where does e-waste end up?" Greenpeace International. (5/20/2008) where-does-e-waste-end-up


