
经过:Matt Cunningham|

该图像是通过下一页详述的选择过程制作的。在原始照片中,这片叶子将成为人群的一部分 - 在这里,它被挑出了。查看更多Cool Camera Stuff Pictures.

Think about how many times you've flipped through a magazine and seen it: a black-and-white image spread across the page, with a bold splash of color highlighting part of the scene. Maybe it's the blue eyes of a model, or the bright plumage of a bird as it wings across the page, but that simple break from the monochrome background draws your eye and captures your attention.

The use of color accents in a black-and-white photograph is an old technique — older, in fact, than color photography. (Originally, the color was painted onto photographic prints.) The trick goes in and out of vogue with advertisers, but peruse any magazine rack long enough and you're almost guaranteed to find at least one example. And although this special effect is most often found in professional photography, modern photo editing software puts it within easy reach of any interested amateur.


但是,在一个彩色摄影可以捕捉自然赋予我们最微妙的阴影的时代,为什么黑白摄影仍然保持如此摇摆?答案的一部分与我们如何处理视觉信息有关。颜色是推动我们注意力的强大力量 - 猎人 - 采集者的本能,帮助我们发现藏在灌木丛中的动物现在吸引了我们挑选出似乎不属于场景的颜色。但是,从熟悉的图像中夺走了颜色,我们的思想被抛弃了,以进行感知循环。我们可能会对黑白中看到的对象施加记忆的色调,但是我们也很可能会更加了解图像中的质地,图案和阴影。这些属性仍然存在于彩色照片中,但它们以黑白为中心。





Adding color accents to your black-and-white photos isn't hard to do, but, like any artistic technique, it's most effective when used judiciously. Study the color photo: Where do you want to direct the viewer's attention? Maybe the main subject has a colorful feature, such as a bright red bow in a model's hair. On the other hand, you might want to colorize a small background detail, pulling the viewer away from the subject and adding mystery — the viewer will wonder what's so important about the seemingly tiny detail. Sometimes, after all, the fun is in making your audience think and keeping them guessing.

数字编辑工具使您可以对原始图像应用各种过滤器和效果。在编辑器中打开颜色照片后,将黑白过滤器应用于其。(您可能会在筛选,增强或调整菜单 - 在Adobe Photoshop中,转到Image>“调整”>“饱和度”。)屏幕上的图像将变为黑白,但该软件将保留颜色数据。如果您解开过滤器,您看到的黑白减少将消失。只是不要将图像转换为黑白 - 这会促使软件完全抛弃颜色数据。



Undo the filter, returning your photo to its original state. Then:

  • 使用编辑的选择工具来选择您希望用颜色突出显示的位置。通过稍作练习,您可以突出图像的微小,精确的部分。
  • Next,颠倒您的选择(in Photoshop, go to Select > Inverse). This selects the rest of the photo, effectively masking your subject area from whatever changes you apply to the rest of your photo.
  • 最后,应用黑白过滤器或效果。面具将保留您的主题区域的颜色。
  • 将您的编辑照片保存在新名称中(使用AS保存),以便您仍然拥有原始的颜色照片。





Because most colors are actually composed of shades from a few color groups, you may have to add additional colors back into the photo at minor saturations to get the hue you're looking for.
Because most colors are actually composed of shades from a few color groups, you may have to add additional colors back into the photo at minor saturations to get the hue you're looking for.

如果您感兴趣的主题不是一个物体,而是鲜艳的鲜艳颜色(例如,向日葵或一群球衣群),那么对每件作品进行手工选择可能比最终图像值得更多的麻烦。如果您想在整个照片中突出显示一种颜色或颜色家族,那么简单还原生产technique can achieve this striking effect.

  • 首先,打开编辑器中的颜色调整窗口。(在Photoshop中,这称为调整色调/饱和。)这将使您可以选择特定的颜色范围,例如蓝色,绿色,黄色或红色,然后调整其温度,亮度和饱和度。饱和是我们在这里感兴趣的变量。
  • Select a color you don't want to highlight and drop its saturation to 0.
  • 重复除一个颜色组以外的所有人之外的所有内容。
  • As always, make sure you save your edited image under a different name (using Save As) so that you'll still have the original color photo.







Black and White Photos FAQ

Black and white photography eliminates distractions and allows the viewer to focus on composition, shapes and patterns, textures and the subject’s emotion.
Can color photos be printed in black and white?

Lots More Information


There's a saying that posits all writers really just want to be photographers, while all photographers want to pen bestselling novels. I'll admit to being in the former category; whenever I can take out my DSLR and snap a few photos as part of an assignment, I'm a happy, happy writer. Maybe it's the writer's frustration of trying to paint images with words, or the photographer's struggle to capture an entire story in a single moment; the two mediums seem to complement each other, telling richer stories together than either one can on its own.

While researching this piece, I stumbled across the Web site of the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas, which houses in its collection the first photograph ever taken. Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, a French gentleman of means, created the image in the spring of 1826. The blurry, grainy view from Niépce's villa window is hard to see in the Web site's gallery, but the ghostly image still made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Who would have thought that a random sunny day in the French countryside would be captured, frozen on a dinged metal plate and preserved for generation after future generation to stare at in wonder. It's a visceral, immediate magic that differs from the slow, steady burn of powerful writing. The two are beautiful in their own rights, but each certainly plays to its own strengths.


  • 设计lib。“图形设计原理”。2012年。(2012年2月12日)http://www.design-lib.com/graphic-design-principles-gd.php
  • 戈德克, Prakash. "Creating Impact with Partial Colour." Photo Tuts+. Nov. 10, 2010. (Feb. 13, 2012) http://photo.tutsplus.com/articles/inspiration/creating-impact-with-partial-colour-60-stunning-photos/
  • 格林斯彭(Greenspun),菲利普(Philip)。“摄影时间表的历史。”photo.net。2007年1月。(2012年2月9日)http://photo.net/history/timeline
  • Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin. "The First Photograph." (Feb. 9, 2012) http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/exhibitions/permanent/wfp/
  • Morton,J.L。“基本色彩理论”。color Matters.com。2011年。(2012年2月13日)


