没有现金?Let Your Car Pay

经过:Cherise Threewitt

现代汽车还没有正式的时间表来推出其车载支付系统,但是该技术将很快加入Jaguar和通用汽车。现代Motor America

厌倦了刷掉钱包买咖啡或为汽油付费?它看起来越来越像刷卡将成为过去。现代is the latest auto manufacturer to introduce an in-car payment system. Right now, Hyundai's system is at the concept stage, which means that it is still being evaluated for production potential.

现代's current system is a "projection" system, which means it is actually based in the user's手机现代汽车汽车技术规划高级小组经理卡森·格罗弗(Cason Grover)通过电子邮件解释说,简单地投射到汽车的屏幕上。


格罗弗说:“概念证明是为了使用Carplay和/或Android Auto来为车辆提供体验。”“我们正在考虑通过Apple和Google的流程在生产中启动此产品,并正在研究使用车载软件和Blue Link [远程信息处理]连接的'内置'解决方案。”

格罗弗将系统的功能描述为“导航的扩展”。一段时间以来,车辆导航系统已经能够指导用户gas stations,餐馆和公共停车场。借助现代系统,用户将能够根据最喜欢的先前订单提前订购食物,并将其定向到提供车内付款的加油站,并将其路由到带有可用停车场和预付款选项的停车场。

“The ultimate idea is to offer a Hyundai wallet that stores payment methods for use at various businesses," says Grover.

The benefits of this system may help Hyundai capture the interest of new car shoppers. There is also potential for Hyundai to profit directly off the use of the systems, since Grover says some of Hyundai's partner brands do offer revenue-sharing models.

How Safe Will It Be?

Security of such a system is an obvious concern, but Hyundai says as long as you have your smartphone, you don't need to worry about, say, a friend who's borrowing your car, a valet, or a car thief running up huge bills at the drive-thru.




安全也是一个问题any time the driver's attention is directed away from the road. Hyundai says that is why its system's features are limited. For example, users can see recent restaurant orders at a glance but cannot browse the full menu. Users also must input payment information beforehand, not while on the go.

Not all systems are tied to a car brand. In 2015,壳引入移动支付系统,因此客户可以使用PayPal,Apple Pay和Android Pay付款。2017年,Shell announced a partnership with Jaguar对于Jaguar的XE,XF和F-Pace的基于应用程序的付款系统。客户使用车辆的触摸屏(不是手机)来选择他们想要购买的燃料量并完成付款。


现代汽车还没有正式的推出时间表,但是加入Jaguar和General Motors品牌,这项技术很快就会出现。如果现代汽车与基于智能手机的计划一起前进,该品牌表示它可能与旧现代汽车的信息娱乐系统兼容。即使您的现代并不全新,您也可以从汽车上花费更多,而无需花更多的钱才能首先获得新车。



