
经过:汤姆·舍夫(Tom Scheve)

乔·麦当劳(Joe McDonald)/视觉无限/盖蒂图像



如果骄傲可以打包1,500磅(680公斤)非洲人,那么有很多好吃buffalo。在漫长而干燥的非洲夏天,狮子有机会通过等待几乎稀缺,维持生命的口袋来杀死这些猛兽that buffalo must approach each day.






The pride takes a water break at Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, South Africa“width=
The pride takes a water break at Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, South Africa
J. Sneesby/b。威尔金斯/石头/盖蒂图像

只有大约26,000狮子s在地球上,其中大多数生活在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲[来源:National Geographic]。As with many species, the male lion is typically larger than its female counterpart. While a lioness is usually about 5 feet (1.5 meters) long and around 400 pounds (181.4 kilograms), males can be as long as 8 feet (2.4 meters) and tip the scales at 550 pounds (249.5 kilograms).

世界上最社交的,狮子生活在被称为骄傲的小组中。在三到30个狮子之间,骄傲,几乎完全由相关的女性组成。这群紧密的母狮将终生融合在一起 - 无关的孤独女性很难被该组所接受。


The males, on the other hand, generally move on after reaching adulthood -- nature's way of stirring the genetic pot. A pride may have up to two unrelated adult male lions, and these males are under near-constant assault from other males trying to move in on their territory. A male may hold its top spot in the pride for several years, but eventually he will be killed or run off by a younger or stronger outsider. If he isn't killed in the process, the usurped male must leave and become a loner, doing his best to survive alone or looking for another pride with a male he can conquer.

It's good to be king, however. Lionesses do more than 90 percent of the hunting, while the male shows up after the kill, demanding and receiving first dibs on the meat. While the lionesses hunt, the males stay back to defend the territory, protect the cubs and keep watch for overly ambitious lone males who know a good situation when they see it.


Winfried Wisniewski/图像库/盖蒂图像

非洲人buffalo狩猎只不过是草,但是您不想在黑暗的小巷里撞到一个。这种丰富且不可预测的生物身高6英尺(1.83米)和1,500磅(680.4公斤),对猴子业务(或狮子或豹子业务)没有心情。强大,强大且挥舞着一组角,可以从尖端到尖端尺寸为4英尺(1.22米),非洲水牛不是您想要惊吓的生物。许多人认为它们比狮子更危险,这是有充分理由的 - 平均而言,每年被非洲水牛杀死的人比这些大猫杀死的人数更多[来源:National Geographic]。

What they lack in speed, they make up for in stamina, and, like the lion, African buffalo are quite sociable with their own kind, often traveling in herds that range from 350 up to several thousand buffalo. As in prides, these herds consist overwhelmingly of females, and males use their giant horns to jostle for dominance. Male calves, which can walk at birth but are dependent on their mothers in the first year of life, must leave the herd once fully grown. Dominant male buffalo, which physically peak at about 10 years of age, must also leave once they've been conquered and replaced [source:awf]。这些独奏男性曾经是整个牛群的捍卫者,现在很容易成为需要大餐的狮子。

So how does the herd protect itself when a well-organized assassination squad of lionesses is on the prowl?




呼吸狮子不是您想要在人生的最后时刻所经历的,尤其是当狮子用嘴使您窒息时。这是非洲的方式buffalotries to prevent death by lion:

  • 保持清醒。与每日20多个小时相比睡觉一只狮子会得到一次非洲水牛的睡眠时间,每天总共大约两个小时。这有助于防止粗鲁的觉醒。
  • 鼻子知道。非洲水牛对,狮子的气会使他们处于高度戒备状态。他们的视觉和听觉并不那么热衷,但是有助于听到狮子的吼叫声最多可达5英里(8公里)[来源:史密森尼人]。
  • When possible, travel by water。狮子不愿意进入水,水牛通过尽可能多地旅行来利用这一点。在博茨瓦纳奥卡万戈三角洲的一个岛屿上,狮子会征服这种恐惧以捕捉猎物,并定期在水中移动,使这些肌肉狮子成为非洲最大的肌肉狮子[来源:来源:National Geographic]。For the most part, however, water equals safety (from lions, that is --鳄鱼完全是另一回事)。
  • 聚在一起。大多数非洲水牛伤亡是年龄较大的孤独男性,由于侵略性行为不再受到年轻替代者和爱他们的女性的欢迎,因此被迫退出了牛群。
  • 站在你的男人身边。当牧群旅行时,较小,年轻和较弱的水牛留在中间,而强壮的男性则领先并形成了牛群的保护外环。
  • 进攻是最好的防御。非洲水牛经常会偷偷溜进睡觉的狮子,冲过并散布惊讶的狮子,践踏较重的卧铺,然后狩猎幼崽。
  • 撤退!The herd's first instinct when faced with a lion attack is to turn tail and run. This is a good strategy for the vast majority of the herd, but stragglers will be picked off and killed. However, a buffalo on the run can be as dangerous as a buffalo on the attack --at 6 feet (1.8 meters) tall and 1,500 pounds (680 kilograms), a buffalo's sharp hooves can be driven deep into anything unlucky enough to find itself underfoot.
  • 呼唤你的丛林朋友。白色的鸟类称为Oxpeckers在水牛上栖息,以ticks跳蚤在整个皮。作为回报,这些鸟是水牛的预警系统,使他们通过嘶嘶声提醒他们狮子的存在。
  • 面对你的恐惧。狮子attack a buffalo's rear quarters for good reason -- the giant, sharp horns of a buffalo can be used to gouge, throw and hammer away at a lion, and such wounds are often fatal to the would-be attacker. Buffalo, even when retreating, may suddenly stop, turn and attempt to gore a pursuer before turning to flee again.
  • 耸耸肩。布法罗的巨大尺寸使得很难中途停止。他们通常能够简单地耸耸肩,试图悬而未决地为亲爱的生活。许多水牛带来了失败的狮子袭击的伤痕。
  • 等到帮助到达。即使狮子放下水牛,由于它的皮革极为浓密,它可能需要超过半小时才能杀死它。布法罗牛群通常会返回集团以解决得分并取回堕落的同志。







  • 非洲野生动物基金会。“水牛。”(2008年11月9日)http://www.awf.org/content/wildlife/detail/buffalo
  • 英国广播公司“哺乳动物可闭合:非洲水牛。”(2008年11月9日)
  • 贝尼特,艾米丽。“ Okavango Buffalo研究:博茨瓦纳Okavango Delta的非洲水牛(塞纳维咖啡)的生态学。”(2008年11月9日)http://www.okavango-buffalo-research.com/african%20buffalo.htm
  • 古斯里(Russell Dale)。“猛mm象草原的冻结动物群。”芝加哥大学出版社,1990年。ISBN0226311236,9780226311234。81-110。http://books.google.com/books?id=cuqhsnqCkMyC&pg=pa101&lpg=pa101&dq = defense+fef+fefrican+buffalo&source = web&ots=web&ots = web = web = web = web = lcc94fsn&sig amp = 5swobj #5swobj 4vnslky#
  • Myhrvold,Nathan,博士。“狮子:非洲的宏伟掠食者。”2007年8月1日。(2008年11月9日)http://www.edge.org/3rd_cultur兴发登录m xf839 come/myhrvold_lions0/myhrvold_lions07_index.html
  • 国家地理。“奥卡万戈死亡之舞。”(2008年11月9日)http://ngm.nationalgemaphic.com/2006/09/killer-pride/video-interactive
  • 自然。“亲密敌人:狮子和水牛。”(2008年11月9日)http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/enemies/
  • 圣地亚哥动物园。“哺乳动物:狮子。”(2008年11月9日)http://www.sandiegozoo.org/animalbytes/t-lion.html
  • Smithers,R.H.N。;Skinner,J.D。;Chimimba,Christian T.“南部非洲次区域的哺乳动物”。剑桥大学出版社,2005ISBN 0521844185,9780521844185。395-396。http://books.google.com/books?id=i6rhvkyffjkc&dq = lion+%22African+Buffalo%22&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0
  • 史密森尼国家动物园。“大猫:狮子事实。”(2008年11月9日)http://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/greatcats/lionfacts.cfm


