
By:Jerry Camarillo Dunn, Jr

Few monuments left by a vanished people are more impressive -- or more enigmatic -- than Stonehenge. Archaeologists speculate that the ring of immense stones on southern England's Salisbury Plain served as an observatory to mark the seasons and as a ceremonial center to celebrate the sun. Even today during the summer solstice, you can stand at the central Altar Stone and witness the sun rising precisely over the Heel Stone, located 250 feet away. Certainly, Stonehenge was a sacred place.

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The rocks of Stonehenge were shaped by people of the Bronze Age using hammers the size of footballs.
These massive stones were shaped by people of the Bronze Age
using stone hammers the size of footballs.
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Standing in the morning light like a portal to another world, the silhouetted trilithons -- the structures with two vertical stones supporting a horizontal stone laid on top -- only open a doorway to further questions. Who built this monument? And why?

Building began around 3000 B.C., when Neolithic people dug a circular ditch about 320 feet in diameter, using deer antlers as picks. In the second phase, about 2000 B.C., a double circle of at least 60 bluestones was erected. The stones came not from nearby quarries but from Wales, 240 miles away -- an amazing feat ofwaterand overland transportation for Bronze Age people, especially because the stones weigh four tons apiece. Available transport probably included rafts, log rollers, and sledges. Over time, though, the circles were dismantled.

一个世纪后,巨石阵的第三阶段创造了我们今天看到的石头的安排。距马尔伯勒唐斯(Marlborough Downs)20英里的石头体重高达50吨。它们被直立的圆圈,并带有连续的石材lintel。里面是其他三利座的马蹄形安排。后来,一些早期的蓝石是在里面的马蹄形中竖起的。

The questions about Stonehenge remain. Despite mystical notions that the Druids built Stonehenge, these Celtic people didn't reach Britain until long after the last stone was put in place. "Most of what has been written about Stonehenge is nonsense or speculation," says one eminent British archaeologist. "No one will ever have a clue what its significance was."

Here are links to dozens of other world-famous landmarks:

Abu Simbel, Egypt 埃菲尔铁塔,法国 The Leaning Tower of Pisa,Italy Roman and Georgian Bath, England
The Alhambra, Spain Ellora Caves, India Machu Picchu,Peru St. Mark’s Basilica, Italy
柬埔寨吴哥窟 The Forbidden City, China Mont-St.-Michel, France St. Paul’s Cathedral, England
Arc de Triomphe, France The Golden Pavilion, Japan Neuschwanstein Castle,Germany St. Peter’s Basilica and the Sistine Chapel, Italy
Borobudur, Indonesia The Great Buddha, Japan 凡尔赛宫,法国 Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar
法国大教堂 The Great Wall of China, China The Pantheon,Italy Stonehenge,England
基督救世主雕像,Brazil Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain The Parthenon and the Acropolis,Greece Sydney Opera House, Australia
CN Tower,Canada Hagia Sophia, Turkey 彼得,约旦 The Taj Mahal,India
The Colosseum, Italy Houses of Parliament, England Pompeii,Italy The Temple at Karnak, Egypt
The Dome of the Rock, Israel 沙特阿拉伯的Kaaba和Al-Haram清真寺 Potala Palace, China The Terra-cotta Army, China
Easter Island Statues, Chile Krak des Chevaliers, Syria The Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx,Egypt
Edinburgh Castle, Scotland The Kremlin and Red Square, Russia 墨西哥Teotihuacán的太阳和月亮的金字塔

To learn more about other landmarks and vacation destinations, see:


Jerry Camarillo Dunn Jr., has worked with the National Geographic Society for more than 20 years, starting as a staff editor, writer, and columnist at Traveler magazine, then writing travel guides. His latest work is National Geographic Traveler: San Francisco. Dunn’s Smithsonian Guide to Historic America: The Rocky Mountain States has sold more than 100,000 copies. His travel pieces appear in newspapers such as the Chicago Tribune and The Boston Globe. Jerry Dunn's stories have won three Lowell Thomas Awards from the Society of American Travel Writers -- the highest honor in the field. He also wrote and hosted a pilot episode for a travel show produced by WGBH, Boston's public television station.



