
西藏图片库佛教修女在西藏的Serthar Wuming佛教研究所(海拔12,100英尺)之外享受新鲜空气。“width=
西藏图像库A Buddhist nun enjoys the fresh air outside the Serthar Wuming Buddhist Study Institute (elevation: 12,100 feet) in Tibet.

A trip to Tibet can be a transcendent experience. The Dalai Lama's homeland is known as the "roof of the world" -- a high, windswept place with roaring rivers, snowcapped peaks and pastoral villages. But a Tibetan visit can also mean a nasty case of高原反应for people who are used to the atmospheric pressure found at lower elevations. This illness, also known as缺氧, is the result of a lack of oxygen to the tissue in the body. Hypoxia's symptoms include nausea, vomiting, lethargy, confusion and breathlessness. It can also be fatal.



人体的氧分布系统已经发展了数亿年。您将氧气吸入您的。然后将氧气转移到, which then distributes the oxygen viahemoglobin, the part of your blood that carries oxygen.

There is about the same amount of oxygen (around 21 percent) in the air regardless of elevation, but because of a lack of atmospheric pressure at high altitudes, it's harder for the human lungs to absorb. Our心肺系统(心脏和肺部共同努力,将氧气加入身体)必须在高海拔高度加班以获得我们需要的氧气。这导致hypertension-- or高血压


Read the next page to find out why Tibetans can live at high elevations and how they are evidence of the process ofevolution


Biodiversity at High Elevations

波塔拉宫(Potala Palace)是连续十个达赖喇嘛的所在地。宫殿异国美女上升了13个故事。“width=
波塔拉宫(Potala Palace)是连续十个达赖喇嘛的所在地。宫殿异国美女上升了13个故事。
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2005年,俄亥俄州克利夫兰凯斯·西大学(Case Western University高血压and other maladies resulting from living at such high altitudes. They found the answer within the Tibetans' breath.

研究人员发现,藏族呼气要比居住在海平面的对照组要少得多。更重要的是,藏人的肺从其中转移了两倍的一氧化氮数量walls into their bloodstreams than their sea-level-dwelling counterparts'. Nitric oxide is believed to aid in the expansion ofvessels. Blood flows more easily, which allows the heart to work at a normal pace, due to the decrease in blood pressure from vessel expansion.


That means that the Tibetans' hearts can deliver more of the lower ambient oxygen available in the air to their bodies. With the dilated blood vessels, Tibetans can achieve this with less effort than a person at the same altitude whose cardiopulmonary system is used to near-sea level pressure.


关于居住在高海拔地区的人们的第一个研究是在1890年,当时法国人弗朗索瓦·维特(Francois Viault)研究了居住在南美安第斯山脉的人们的红细胞人数。红细胞携带血红蛋白,这是携带氧气的血液的一部分。因此,Vialet理论认为安第斯山脉人的红细胞计数会高。他是对的。安第斯山脉开发了一个过程,可以补偿薄山空气中缺乏可用的氧气。但是这个特征 - 或表型- 在藏人中找不到。相反,在安第斯人中找不到藏人对一氧化氮的更高使用。

A third group, the people of the Ethiopian highlands, don't have either of these traits. In fact, the Ethiopian highlanders don't appear to have any special traits to compensate for life at higher altitudes. The characteristics of their cardiopulmonary systems -- like oxygen saturation and hemoglobin count -- are virtually identical to those found in people living at sea level.

It's possible that the Ethiopians do possess a trait that has yet to be discovered; the highlanders have only been studied once, while the Andeans have been studied for more than a century and the Tibetans for decades. But the differences that have been found between Andeans, Ethiopians and Tibetans represent human biodiversity. This is significant, because it is through diversity that a species can thrive on Earth.






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