4 Ways to Experience Outer Space Right Here on Earth

By:Valerie STIMAC|
Expedition 65 flight engineers Thomas Pesquet and Megan McArthur
Expedition 65 flight engineers Thomas Pesquet and Megan McArthur are pictured inside BEAM, the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module. Some companies allow you to experience space travel like this right from Earth.NASA

尽管1950年代和1960年代的太空竞赛是一个令人兴奋的时刻,但人类从未在更快的太空探索和人类太空飞行中生活。在没有看到新的标题的情况下,几乎不可能赶上新闻火星Rover,space telescopeor astronomical event – and the public clamors for all of it.

We're finally on the cusp of a huge leap in space exploration: commercial spaceflight, also known asspace tourism。But advances inspace tourismare mostly due to billionaires and private development, and tickets have beenprimarily bought通过超级健康 - 例如,花费25万美元book a seat on Virgin Galacticfor a trip to space. And when NASA said in 2019 that it would允许私人公民to fly to the国际空间站(ISS), it put the cost to stay there at $35,000 a night, and the price to get there at around $50 million.

但是,当我们等待价格下跌时,仍然有一些方法可以体验地球上的太空旅游。这些尘世的冒险涵盖了您在太空中可能拥有的一系列经验,同时仍然适合许多人为其他“存储桶清单”旅行的预算,like visiting Antarctica


1. Take a Zero-G Flight

If there's one constant force on Earth, it's gravity. Our measure of gravity on Earth forms the basis for our understanding of gravity elsewhere in the solar system. But gravity doesn't feel the same everywhere. The experience changes whether you're traveling through space (zero Gs) or visiting another celestial body like火星(one-third of the gravity on Earth) or themoon(one-sixth the gravity)。为了模拟重力差异,有两家公司提供“零G”航班。

这些公司,包括美国零-G飞机in Europe, use modified planes to simulate different gravitational forces through a series of parabolic flights. Over the course of a flight, the pilots take the plane through maneuvers that simulate Martian gravity, lunar gravity and zero gravity. Of course, this isn't really zero gravity – it's actually weightlessness as you fall back toward Earth. But try not to think about that too much as it's a bit disconcerting to imagine!

零-Gflights range in cost from $6,700 to $9,500. Flights are offered in different states and cities throughout the year.


2. Visit Mars in Spain

Ever wondered what life on Mars is really like? Astroland can answer that question. As one might expect, this is a more challenging mission – physically and psychologically. Astroland is similar to the NASAHI-SEAS program,但针对更广泛的旅游基地。该公司经营Astroland的公司位于西班牙,将地球上太空旅游业的访问扩展到了更多的欧洲。

Astroland的主要体验是Ares Station,一个内置在洞穴中的现实栖息地,以模拟一个可能火星定居计划。While details on how to join an Astroland mission are currently limited, the idea is that each person will pay for a place on a team; you'll then go through advanced training to determine your role on the team. Following that, you'll spend a designated time in Ares Station living and working full time – including conducting research projects and providing data about the psychological impact of living in isolation.

Initial pricing for Astroland wasreported一个月的培训范围为6,000欧元(7,000美元),加上三天的三晚住宿。


3. Go to Space Camp

如果您宁愿将脚牢牢地牢牢地固定在地球上,但仍然经历了一些外太空,那么无处太空营。由1980年代的“太空营”家庭电影闻名,孩子们几代人一直在阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔参加太空营。还有一个针对成年人的计划 - 无论是小时候还是错过的人。

The entrance to the space camp at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
Ke4roh via Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 2.0

周末Adult Astronaut Training计划使大人有机会动手学习有关行星科学,轨道力学和NASA任务的过去,现在和未来。太空营位于美国国家航空航天局马歇尔太空飞行中心的一部分的美国太空与火箭中心,所有编程都是与实际的NASA任务协调的。这意味着您可以花时间在驾驶猎户座胶囊,进行任务控制和进行“太空行走”的模拟上,以在国际空间站模块上工作。在成人太空训练营之前或之后,您可以添加培训underwater astronaut!

费用为每人$ 199- $ 299的空间营地,水下计划每人$ 150。


4. Train Like an Astronaut in Star City

您可以通过一家名为Space Adventures的公司参加宇航员培训,从而遵循真正的宇航员和宇航员的脚步,该公司提供了太空旅游体验,从观看哈萨克斯坦的火箭发射到实际推出游客到国际空间站。

But let's get back to learning how to be an astronaut for real.Spaceflight trainingthrough Space Adventures takes place in Star City, Russia, outside of Moscow. During the experience, participants learn how to fly Russian Soyuz spacecraft through a simulator, get to try spacewalk training, and ride the centrifuge to get a better understanding of the gravitational forces experienced during launch and landing. This experience offers a different perspective than others on this list as it focuses on the Russian space program, Roscosmos, rather than NASA.

Space Adventures' Spaceflight Training is a bespoke experience, and pricing is available on request.



