Gravitational Waves Are Lifting the Veil of Cosmic Darkness

Artist's depiction of a neutron star collision. A neutron star collision has caused one of the 11 gravitational wave signals detected thus far.NASA/Swift/Dana Berry


在我们告诉您有关双重打击的情况之前,回顾:2015年9月14日,激光干涉仪重力波天文台或Ligo检测到了first ever gravitational wave eventcaused by the collision of two black holes, located 1.3 billion light-years away. This Nobel prize-winning detection was a big deal. It took decades of work to build an advanced observatory capable of sensing the minute ripples in spacetime that are caused by some of the most energetic events triggered by the universe's most massive objects. Since then, the处女座检测器,在意大利比萨附近,也一直在跟踪这些事件,从而提高了引力波检测的精度。


LIGO and Virgo also detected the first (and, currently, only)neutron star mergeron Aug. 17, 2017.

到目前为止,所有黑洞的合并都介于恒星质量的黑洞之间,或者可能是在大型恒星之后形成的黑洞,这是我们太阳质量的几十倍,死于超新星。通过计算黑洞碰撞的数量,我们打开了一个精美的窗口,以了解二进制恒星质量黑洞在我们的宇宙中合并的频率。从总体上讲,这估计了有多少个恒星质量黑洞潜伏在那里。但是,我们目前的探测器aren't equippedto pick up the gravitational waves produced by the mergers of supermassive black holes.



阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)在100年前的历史性相对论中著名地预测了这些浪潮的存在,但直到现在才赶上了技术。自2015年以来,物理学家通过检测11个事件(通过二元黑洞,二元中子星星1个)来巩固爱因斯坦的预测。

You can visualize gravitational waves as ripples that are generated on the surface of a pond after a stone is dropped in the middle — the stone represents the energy generated at the moment of collision between black holes (or neutron stars), and the pond's two-dimensional surface is a crude analogy of the three dimensions of space. The waves propagate at the speed of light and the more massive the colliding objects, the more energy is produced and therefore the more powerful the waves. As these waves ripple through our little corner of the universe, extremely sensitive gravitational wave interferometers (like LIGO and Virgo) can detect a minuscule space-time warp as the waves passthrough我们的星球。更重要的是,物理学家可以分析这些波,以破译碰撞物体的性质,例如它们的巨大程度和旋转的速度。


现在说引力波天文学是“常规的”还为时过早,但是随着在世界各地建造更多的观察者,我们会在精确的情况下变得更好theorigin of the waves (the location in the sky of the colliding massive objects) and picking up fainter (and therefore more distant and less energetic) events.

"In just one year, LIGO and VIRGO working together have dramatically advanced gravitational wave science, and the rate of discovery suggests the most spectacular findings are yet to come,"said Denise Caldwell在声明中。考德威尔(Caldwell)是国家科学基金会物理部的主任。

And, as we mentioned, some of these new discoveries will be record breakers, like GW170729, one of the newly announced signals that occurred on July 29, 2017. This signal was generated by the collision and merger of two black holes that created a single black hole80 timesthe mass of our sun. The smash-up happened in a distant galaxy approximately 5 billion years ago. This makes GW170729 the most massivethe most distant black hole merger detected yet.

Remember how we said the bigger the black holes, the more energetic their collision? In the process of colliding, this black hole smash-up converted five solar masses of black hole mass into pure energy. That's why the signal was powerful enough to echo through the universe, washing over Earth 5 billion years later. The other three new (smaller and closer) gravitational wave detections include signals that were all detected in 2017 on Aug. 9, 18 and 23 — they have been named GW170809, GW170818, and GW170823 respectively. These new detections are detailed intwo学习发表在预印式服务ARXIV上。


Only the Beginning

Black holes are some of the most enigmatic objects in the universe. We know they're out there, and now we even have direct measurements from their mergers via the gravitational ripples they create, but many mysteries remain. One of the biggest findings to come from this latest batch of discoveries is that astrophysicists can estimate, for the first time, that all stellar-mass black holes should be less than 45 times the mass of our sun when they emerge from their supernovas.

博士后克里斯·潘科(Chris Pankow西北大学的声明和the Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA). "We now have a sharper picture of both how frequently stellar mass binary black holes merge and what their masses are. These measurements will further enable us to understand how the most massive stars of our Universe are born, live and die."


And guess what? This is only the beginning. More gravitational wave observatories are being planned around the world (andin space),现有探测器正在接受敏感性升级。




